Archives for July 2013

Tip o’ the Morning to Ya – Aim For True Happiness And Accomplishment


Rich Habits Word of the Day

Convivial – Happy, cheerful.

Rich Habits Fact of the Day

An individual blood cell takes about 60 seconds to make a complete circuit of the body.

Rich Habits Lesson of the Day

Passion and Your Chief Aim in Life:

You know you have found your Chief Aim in life when you are unable to stop yourself from engaging in the activity that is your Chief Aim. You become obsessed about your Chief Aim and pursue it with all of the available free time you have. Your passion for achieving your Chief Aim in life is so strong that it overwhelms you. When you find your passion for something, you know you have found your Chief Aim in life. It may be writing a book, a song, painting a picture or starting a new business. Passion is the byproduct of doing something creative as your Chief Aim in life. When we are creative, passion flows into every fiber of our being. Human beings are creative by nature. We are happiest when we are passionately pursuing something creative and this creative activity is our Chief Aim in life.

Tip o’ the Morning to Ya – Call Someone, Build Stronger Relationships


Rich Habits Word of the Day

Allegory – Fable, parable.

Rich Habits Fact of the Day

George Harrison, with “My Sweet Lord,” was the first Beatle to have a Number 1 hit single following the group’s breakup.

Rich Habits Lesson of the Day

Life Event Calls:

One of the strategies the wealthy use to build long-lasting, valuable relationships is the Life Event Call. These calls are made to clients, customers, patients or any contact you value, in order to recognize a particular event that occurred in the contact’s life. An example would be if a client or their spouse had a child, a graduation in the life of the contact, a promotion, new job, death or illness. Life Event Calls put your relationships on steroids. They grow the roots to the relationship tree deeper and faster than any other relationship-building strategy.


Tip o’ the Morning to Ya – Focus, Persist, and Be Patient


Rich Habits Word of the Day

Implacable – Relentless, never give up, Tom Corley.

Rich Habits Fact of the Day

Disney World in Orlando, Florida covers 30,500 acres (46 square miles), making it twice the size of the island of Manhattan, New York.

Rich Habits Lesson of the Day

Focus, Persistence & Patience:

“Focus, persistence and patience are what separate the successful from the failures.” Donald Trump in his book Why We Want You to be Rich.

Applying the Rich Habits every day forces you to be focused, persistent and patient. It makes a daily habit out of the three things that are the foundational traits of the successful.

Tip o’ the Morning to Ya – Shifting Time Investments from Junk [Reality TV] To Quality



Rich Habits Word of the Day 

Flummery – False praise. 

Rich Habits Fact of the Day

The number of people on Noah’s Ark was 8. Noah and his wife, his three sons and their three wives. 

Rich Habits Lesson of the Day

67% of the wealthy watch less than 1 hour of TV a day. 77% of the poor watch more than 1 hour of TV each day. When the poor do watch TV, 78% watch reality shows. Only 6% of the wealthy watch reality TV.

Tip o’ the Morning to Ya – Be Honest Yet Tactful



Rich Habits Word of the Day 

Grifter – Fake, fraud, huckster.

Rich Habits Fact of the Day

U.S. Constitution is made up of 7 Articles and 27 Amendments. The most popular and well-known Amendment is the 1st Amendment which set out the five freedoms: Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly & Petitioning the Government.

Rich Habits Lesson of the Day

Speaking your mind turns out to be not such a good thing. Only 6% of the wealthy say what’s on their mind. 94% filter every thought that comes out of their mind before it comes out of their mouths. The reason? The wealthy indicated that saying what’s on  your mind often hurts other people’s feelings and can damage important relationships. 69% of poor people have the Poverty Habit of saying what’s on their mind. Consequently, they often struggle maintaining relationships.


Tip o’ the Morning to Ya – Professional Development on the Go



Rich Habits Word of the Day 

Hubris – Arrogance, pomposity.

Rich Habits Fact of the Day

Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people and can be traced back to the Exodus of theHebrews from Egypt. Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha’i faith all share Abraham as their founding father sometime around 2050 BC. There are 3 branches: Conservative, Orthodox and Reform.

Rich Habits Lesson of the Day

63% of wealthy people listen to audio books during their commute to work. Only 5% of poor people have this Rich Habit. The pursuit of continuous, lifelong self-improvement is one of the hallmarks of wealthy, successful people.