Rich Habits is in the news, around the globe!
Major US Publications
Didn’t win the Powerball? Here are 5 more reliable ways to get rich over time
The chances of winning last night’s $759 million Powerball were approximately one in 290 million.
Huffington Post
How to Get Everything You Want in Life…The Postage Stamp Method
Consider the postage stamp. It has one singular goal. It remains focused.
Quiz: Which of These 7 Personality Traits Do You Share with the World’s Richest People?
Possessing the same characteristics of extremely rich and successful people is half the battle.
7 Daily Habits Extremely Successful People Swear By
How do you become an uber-rich mogul in the vein of Bill Gates or Oprah Winfrey? Well, it might help to emulate the way they operate in their day-to-day lives.
8 of 10 Self-Made Millionaires Were Not ‘A’ Students. Instead They Share This Trait
Listen to most teachers — and most parents — and it’s easy to assume that getting good grades in school is a requirement for professional success.
Um, nope.
Reader’s Digest
Want to Become a Self-Made Millionaire? Read This Kind of Book
Successful people do a lot of things differently: They almost exclusively wake up before 6 a.m. (one of the morning habits successful people share), they always do these 5 productive things at work, and, it turns out, they have similar taste in books.
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazine
Get Into the Wealth Habit
Thomas Corley, a certified financial planner, spent five years researching the habits of wealthy people for his book, Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals.
10 Money Habits That Are Leaving You Broke
Make 2017 the year of your financial freedom.
Fast Company
7 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires
Most millionaires aren’t born; they’re self-made.
USA Today
5 Credit Card Habits of Successful People
Seems like the rich are different than the rest of us, and it’s not just in the way they handle money. They also handle credit cards differently.
7 Habits of the World’s Richest People
Are there habits wealthy people consistently practice that impact their success?
6 Spending Habits of the Very Rich
It doesn’t matter how rich you are, poor spending habits can quickly drain even the most well-funded bank account.
There’s Something the Rich and the Poor Have in Common
Thomas Corley, Contributor
For five years I studied the daily activities of 233 wealthy people and 128 people living in poverty and I discovered there is an immense difference between the two groups, but one significant similarity.
Love and Money
When your kids ask frank questions about your finances, try to view it as a teaching opportunity rather than a breach of privacy.
10 reasons you’re still broke
You have a job, maybe even a good one, but your paychecks never seem to stretch as far as you think they should and ends never quite seem to meet. You know you should be saving more and spending less, yet you never manage to do either.
Business Insider
How To Build Habits That Could Make You Rich
Thomas Corley, Contributor
According to a 2006 Duke University study, 40% or more of our daily activities are habits.
Financial Post
How Five-minute Phone Calls Could Make You Rich
Most of us haven’t made a personal phone call in a while.
8 Ways to Be Happy and Productive in Your Home Office
A surprising number of people find working from home to be lonely and stressful. Adopt these habits and it will no longer have to be that way.
Business Insider
9 Things Rich People Do Differently Every Day
What you do today matters. In fact, your daily habits may be a major determinant of your wealth.
MSN Money
5 Habits Common Among the Rich
Want to join the ranks of the wealthy? Here are some guidelines you might want to adopt.
6 Great Money Tips from 6 Great Dads
Growing up, I’d roll my eyes when my dad would remind me to turn off the lights when I left a room.
Business Insider
What Rich People Have Next to their Beds
You know what you’ll probably find on a successful (read: rich) person’s nightstand?
Main Street
Follow the Rich with These Daily Habits
Investors worth more than $5 million are 39% more likely to take a cruise in their lifetime than those with a net worth of less than $100,000, according to a new study.
Business Insider
Ways Rich People Think Differently
If you ask Thomas Corley, being rich has very little to do with luck and everything to do with habits.
10 Reasons You’re Still Broke
You have a job, maybe even a good one, but your paychecks never seem to stretch as far as you think they should and ends never quite seem to meet.
Franklin Prosperity Report: Seven Millionaires Reveal Habits for a Lifetime of Wealth
Humans, as we know, are creatures of habit. We easily fall into patterns and cling to our established ways of doing things.
A Peek at To-Do Lists of the Wealthy
For five years, financial planner and CPA Tom Corley studied the routines of the rich and the poor, tracking more than 200 activities of 233 wealthy people and 128 people living in poverty.
Huffington Post
20 Things The Poor Really Do Everyday That The Rich Never Have To Worry About
Financial advisor and evangelical Christian Dave Ramsey probably wasn’t expecting this much pushback when he shared a piece contrasting the habits of the rich with those of the poor.
Life Lessons From The Rich
Want to be rich? Start living your life like a rich person, no matter how much money you have now.
International News Sites
The Sun – England
Rich men and women avoid this one type of person at all costs
LOOKING on the bright-side may have more perks than you originally thought, it seems.
Huffington Post – Greece
Επί πέντε χρόνια μελετά τους πλούσιους και βρήκε ποιον τύπο ανθρώπου αποφεύγουν
Οι άνθρωποι με τους οποίους συναναστρέφεται κανείς έχει μεγαλύτερη σημασία από ότι μπορεί κανείς να φανταστεί.
Epoca – Brazil
Acorde cedo, faça exercícios, leia e fique rico
Oque separa os ricos dos pobres? – Mexico
21 hábitos para ser exitoso y millonario
Adopta estos comportamientos y descubre cómo cumplir tus metas al mismo tiempo que aprendes a administrarte. – South Africa
16 Rich Habits
Your autopilot mode can make you wealthy or poor. – Slovakia
Vraj za peniaze si šťastie nekúpiš? Omyl
S peniazmi je človek šťastnejší, tvrdí štúdia.
BUBR.RU – Russia
У богатых свои причуды!
Самые полезные привычки, которые помогут вам разбогатеть.
Epoca Negocios – Brazil
Maioria dos milionários tem um jeito parecido de ganhar dinheiro
O pesquisador e escritor americano Tom Corley aprendeu da forma mais difícil que o antigo conselho de Warren Buffett – “mantenha todos os seus ovos na mesma cesta, mas vigie essa cesta bem de perto” – não serve para todo mundo. – Belgium
Quels livres lisent les personnes fortunées ?
Non, les personnes gagnant beaucoup d’argent ne lisent pas toutes les mêmes ouvrages.
Fortune – Greece
Πώς σκέφτονται οι πλούσιοι;
Απόψεις για τη ζωή που χαρακτηρίζουν τη νοοτροπία των επιτυχημένων και που δεν θα μπορείτε να πιστέψετε.
Argentaire – France
Comment gagner beaucoup d’argent en suivant les habitudes des riches?
Les riches ont été largement étudiés à travers la façon dont ils dépensent leur argent, comment ils passent leur temps, etc.
Menaiset – Finland
Haluatko olla voittaja?
Oletko miettinyt, miten menestyvät ihmiset saavuttavat aina tavoitteensa ja porskuttavat menemään hyvinvoivina ja lompakko pulleana?
Tu Decides – Mexico
21 hábitos de los millonarios exitosos
En su libro, “Hábitos ricos: Los hábitos diarios de éxito de los individuos ricos” (Rich Habits — The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals), Tom Corley resalta varias cosas que distinguen a los que tienen dinero de los que no tienen.
Lupitan 6 – Indonesia
Menelepon 5 Menit Bisa Bikin Kaya Raya
Mengontak teman, keluarga dan orang terdekat melalui telepon bisa jadi telah menjadi bagian dari rutinitas sehari-hari. – Latvia
Desmit atšķirības pasaules uztverē, kas bagātniekus ir padarījušas bagātus
Ja jūs esat bagāts, tad ne tikai jūsu bankas konts, bet arī domāšanas veids atšķiras no mazāk veiksmīgajiem laikabiedriem. – Hungary
Tom Corley: így tesz gazdaggá egy egyszerű teendő lista
Tom Corley jóvoltából olvashatod el most, hogyan is választja el egy napi pár perces szokás a gazdaggá válást a szegénységtől.
Il Sole 24 Ore – Italy
Quello che gli altri non fanno: le dieci abitudini dei milionari da imitare
Aumenta nel mondo il divario tra i super ricchi e i poveri.
MagInvest Ka Pinoy – Singapore
Ten Things Rich People Do Which Poor People Don’t
Most people would agree that certain lifestyle choices and daily habits are as valuable in the quest for wealth as a sound understanding of finances. -China
日媒:改变七大习惯 你也能成为有钱人
India TV Business – India
Top 20 habits of world’s wealthiest people
If you think becoming rich is about inheritance and pure luck, think again. There are indeed certain habits and daily activities that separate the wealthy from the poor. And the separation is as wide as Grand Canyon.
Contexto – Argentina
20 cosas que ricos y pobres hacen de manera diferente
En su sitio web, Tom Corley señala algunas diferencias entre los hábitos de los ricos y los pobres.
My Navi Woman – Japan
米ファイナンシャルプランナーのTom Corley氏が5年間にわたって、リッチな人と貧乏な人を調査したところ、仕事うんぬんとい
Pandora – Dominican Republic
¿Qué hacen los ricos todos los días?
Conoce los hábitos de los adinerados que puedes practicar en tu diario vivir.
Cairns Post – Australia
10 Things Rich People Do Which Poor People Don’t
Are rich people just good with money or is there something a little deeper underpinning their success?
economie – Moldova
Nu-i uşor să fii bogat: cum influenţează tabieturile succesul în afaceri
Cum, nu faci încă parte din pătura superioară a societăţii? Persoanele cu venituri peste medie girează câteva obiceiuri care garantează succesul pe plan profesional.
Give Your First Step – Spain
Cosas que diferencian a los millonarios
“El denominador común del éxito radica en formarse el hábito de hacer cosas que a los que fracasan no les gusta hacer” – Anónimo
Laurenitu Mihai Ghidu tau in educatie financiara – Romania
Cum arata si ce face un om bogat
Ne este foarte uşor să facem deosebirea dintre un bogat şi un sărac dacă stăm să ne uităm la TV. – Malaysia
10 Things Rich People Do Which Poor People Don’t
Are rich people just good with money or is there something a little deeper underpinning their success?