Are you following any strategy for success? Don’t worry, most aren’t. And that’s the problem. You see, success, and the wealth success creates, is just a process.
Here are some questions intended to help you jump start and create your own personal strategy for success:
- Which path towards success are you following: Path #1 = Pursuit of a Dream or Path #2 = Living Below Your Means (saving money and investing that money)?
- Do you have a vision of your ideal perfect life?
- Is your vision in writing?
- Do you have daily habit goals?
- Do you have any dream goals you are pursuing?
- Do you have a To-Do list with your daily habit goals listed?
- Do you block off time every day to pursue your habit goals or dream goals?
- Are you pursuing growth every day by reading to gain knowledge or by practicing and perfecting some skill set?
- What specific relationships are you trying to develop that will help you realize your dreams and goals?
These questions are intended to cause an itch that you feel compelled to scratch. Not having a success strategy means you are not pursuing success. And not having a strategy for success lumps you in with 95% of the population. And that’s not where you want to be.
Great info! Being strategic about life choices and thinking about consequences is so important!