Mike Francesa is the host of the top sports radio program in America on the WFAN sports radio network, also known as The Fan.
In 1987 Mike Francesa was a behind-the-scenes sports analyst for CBS sports. He wanted to be part of the nation’s new all sports-talk radio talk station, as an on-air host. But he had a problem, in the eyes of Luke Griffin, the executive in charge of picking the new hosts for the sports-talk shows. Francesa’s Long Island accent. Griffin felt it was a huge negative, so he said NO.
But Francesa had an ace in the hole.
At the time, one of Francesa’s best friends was Jim Nantz, the host of CBS’s college football and basketball shows. And Nantz knew Griffin very well. So, Francesa made a phone call to Nantz, asking him to talk to Griffin. Nantz made a phone call on his pal’s behalf and Griffin relented, offering Francesa a weekend host spot on the new sports-talk radio station.
That was thirty years ago.
“They gave me a shot on the weekend. If it hadn’t been for Jim Nantz knowing Luck Griffin, I don’t think I’d ever have gotten a shot,” Francesa said in a recent interview with the New York Post.
It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.
You’ve no doubt heard that line before. The fact is, both are equally important. What you know and who you know are joined at the hip, when it comes to success – you need both.
What you know makes you an expert. It separates you from the competition. Experts add more value to society. Francesa was considered one of the most knowledgable sports analysts in the country, at the time he was given his shot as a CBS sports radio host.
But, what you know, will only get you so far.
And as luck would have it, Francesa knew Nantz, and Nantz knew Griffin.
Who you know opens doors that are otherwise closed. Who you know allows you to take advantage of opportunities. Who you know, creates luck.
Relationships are the currency of the wealthy and the successful. Successful people associate with other successful people because successful people can make luck happen. This is why so many rich and successful people happen to be the best networkers. They join clubs, groups, companies and non-profits whose memberships includes other successful people. They then build strong, long-lasting relationships with these successful people.
And luck follows them everywhere they go and in everything they do.
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