Have you ever been on a boat in a lake on a calm, sunny day?
In your mind’s eye, what do you see?
If you’re like most, you probably see someone in a stationary boat, just sitting there.
That’s a metaphor for the life most lead.
Now, I want you to imagine that you’re in another boat. But this boat is on the rapids of a ferocious river. What do you see in your mind’s eye?
If you’re like most, you probably see someone hanging on for dear life as that boat tumultuously flies along the river at a very rapid pace, bouncing left, right, dipping frontwards and backwards. In no time, the boat and its occupant are so far from where they started, the starting line is no longer visible.
That’s a metaphor for the life of a dreamer.
When you pursue a dream, you are in for the ride of your life.
Most of the time, that dream will give you nothing but tumultuous waters. You are pushed to the limit; your very survival, tested on a daily basis.
For most dreamers, this battle to overcome the treacherous journey is one that lasts for many years.
But, for those who survive the journey, they find themselves very far from where they started. Their very survival transforming them into a different person – a vastly improved, resilient, gritty version of their former selves. And what an exciting story they have to tell.
Most people avoid the rapids. They are too afraid. They prefer the calm waters where they can sit in their boat on the lake, safe and protected. And that boat and its occupant stay just where it is, unmoving, unchallenged, with no story to tell.
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