Rich Habits Poor Habits Episode 53 | Self-Determination vs. Predetermination

There are two opposing schools of thought that divide mankind.

School of Thought #1: Self-Determination Drives Life Circumstances

School of Thought #2: Predetermination Drives Life Circumstances

Those who subscribe to School of Thought #1 believe we are in control of our life circumstances.

There is no one out there, no higher power, watching over us, guiding us.

Those in this school believe success, wealth, failure and poverty are manufactured.

We turn left or right, decide A or B, or do X or Y as a matter of free will, instinct or internal guidance. long-term-investment-acorn-tree-growth-plant-learn

In other words, the circumstances of our lives are dictated by our own decisions, our own behaviors and the choices that we make.

We, in effect, create our own destiny.

Those who subscribe to School of Thought #2 believe we are not in control of our life circumstances.

Some higher power is watching over us, determining the circumstances of our lives.

Those in this school believe success, wealth, failure and poverty are outside our control.

We turn left or right, decide A or B, or do X or Y because some force of nature acts upon us, directing us in every aspect of our lives.

In other words, the circumstances of our lives are not determined by us, but by external factors we cannot possibly control.

We, in effect, are powerless over the course of our lives.

When you subscribe to School of Thought #1 you embrace the concept that you are in control of your destiny; that you have power over the course of your life.

As a result, you develop a mindset of self-reliance.

Through hard work and personal initiative you seek to create the life you desire.


You pursue lifelong self-education, take calculated risks, seek feedback from others and carefully weigh every decision you make.

You search for mentors to help you forge good habits that put you on the right path.

When you subscribe to School of Thought #2 you embrace the concept that your destiny is predetermined; that you are powerless over the course of your life.

As a result, you feel you are not in control of your life.

You are a mere victim of the luck of the draw.

Because you feel you are not in control of your life, you do very little to affect the circumstances of your life.

You float along in life like a leaf on a fall day, carried by the wind.

Which are you?

Something to think about.



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Thomas C. Corley About Thomas C. Corley

Tom Corley is a bestselling author, speaker, and media contributor for Business Insider, CNBC and a few other national media outlets.

His Rich Habits research has been read, viewed or heard by over 50 million people in 25 countries around the world.

Besides being an author, Tom is also a CPA, CFP, holds a master’s degree in taxation and is President of Cerefice and Company, a CPA firm in New Jersey.
Phone Number: 732-382-3800 Ext. 103.
Email Tom
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  1. Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you. – St. Augustine

  2. It isn’t so black and white. I know people who have faith in God and achieve amazing things – they can go the EXTRA mile and create the most beautiful works of art etc., because of their connection with God they have greater capacity and self belief than those who feel they are alone and sink into depression and despair as soon as life takes a turn. The ones I know have a great sense of purpose and are anything but the people you describe. Your statement now leaves me in serious doubt about the rest of your claims.

    • It’s obvious that you can have faith in God and achieve great things. Doing both of something is always an option. I think the main point here is the poor tend to think things are out of their control (even if they do believe in God), and the wealthy tend to think things are in their control based on their hard work, perseverance, etc (even if they do believe in God). The black and whiteness of the article is simply to drive the point home between the two schools of thought.

  3. Lisa Schreiber says:

    Gee Tom…when you put it this way…it’s REALLY hard to choose # 2 !!
    Here’s to a fabulous New Year of consciously self-determined great habits, great choices, and powerful action…all leading to awesome health, wealth, and success! And, of course, happiness!
    Many Blessings to ALL,
    Lisa Schreiber

  4. Katharina Zeelenberg says:

    Amen to that, Lisa

  5. Nancy Bills says:

    I’ve been reading and listening to you for a while. I subscribe to thought habit #1 but know that faith in a higher power whatever that may be supports & enriches life. What about the people who are born into the most dire of circumstances, are they just not trying hard enough to succeed? I think this episode is a little too simplistic. I normally forward your episodes but not this one. Hope you’ll rethink this episode.
    Loyal follower,

    • Circumstances are temporary, made permanent by your habits. To free yourself from poor circumstances, you must adopt habits that will help lift you out of poverty. 41% of the self-made millionaires in my study came from poverty, or as you say, dire circumstances. If being born and raised in dire circumstances dictated your fate in life, then it would be impossible for even one poor person, let alone 41%, to escape poverty.

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