In a 2005 study at the University of California in Riverside, in which 275,000 subjects from 225 other studies were examined, researchers found that happy individuals experienced greater success in life than unhappy people.
Happy people, in their findings, had a way of attracting other upbeat, happy people. They also found that happy people were more likely to pursue long-term goals and dreams.
Happiness is not a state of being. It is a state of mind. Or, a habit of mind.
How do you create the Happiness Habit?
The happiness state of mind is a habit that you forge. You forge that habit in a number of ways:
- Maintaining an upbeat, optimistic mindset, as opposed to being down and negative.
- Being grateful for what you have, as opposed to being envious for things you don’t have.
- Seeing the good or upside in everything, as opposed to seeing the bad or downside in everything.
- Reading or exposing yourself to positive, upbeat material.
- Exercising daily.
- Eating healthy.
- Forging and maintaining relationships with other upbeat, happy people and avoiding down, negative people.
- Taking action and not procrastinating. Procrastination creates stress, which toggles on the amygdala (brain region where negative emotions are born).
Success has many moving parts. Happiness is one of those parts.
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