Virtuosos make the most money and are thus able to accumulate more wealth.
What is a Virtuoso?
A Virtuoso is someone who has unique, advanced skills and knowledge. Society will pay a premium for a product or service they perceive to be of more value to them.
The iPhone X costs $1,100. The Moto E4 costs $100. Individuals are willing to pay 11 times the price of the Moto E4 because of the perceived value of the iPhone X. Apple knows this only too well.
The typical seasoned CPA in the “Big 4” charges about $500-$750 per hour. The typical seasoned CPA in a small firm charges about $100-$200 per hour. Individuals and companies are willing to pay more for a seasoned CPA from a “Big 4” firm because of the perceived value of the “Big 4”.
When you are perceived to be a virtuoso, you will make more money.
So, how do you become a virtuoso?
Read, Write, Speak and Do.
Virtuosos do all four of the above things.
- Virtuosos constantly read to maintain and acquire knowledge.
- Virtuosos communicate what they know by writing articles for their blog, other blogs, the media, Internet sites, magazines, newspapers, etc.
- Virtuosos stand in front of others and share with them their expertise. Think speakers, media experts, seminar leaders, trainers, teachers.
- Virtuosos have active clients, customers, patrons, patients, etc. They put their expertise to work in the service of others every day. By doing, they constantly sharpen their ax.
If you want to become a Virtuoso, you must Read, Write, Speak and Do. All four. Not just one or two. All four. Day after day. Week after week and year after year. The more you Read, Write, Speak and Do, the more expert you become and the stronger your Virtuoso brand. Those with the strongest Virtuoso brand make the most money and accumulate the most wealth.
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