The Easiest Sure-Fire Way to Become Rich


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Everyone has a financial plan – that includes you, whether or not you know it.

As I’ve learned from my extensive research of the rich and poor, some financial plans can make you rich or make you poor.

For Non-Savers, their financial plan is to spend every dollar they make. This financial plan will force you to work well into your retirement years in order to support your standard of living.

For Want Spenders, their financial plan is to spend more than they make and fund that excess with debt. This financial plan eventually forces you to make drastic changes in your life, when your credit runs dry. It can also lead to dependency, relying on the financial support of your children or loved ones.

For Dreamers, their financial plan is to invest all of their time and money, often even debt, in a dream and pursue that dream for many years, hoping it will make them wealthy one day down the road. Pursuing a dream is a very hard thing to do. Dreams typically require an enormous investment in time and money. And dreams are very risky – there is no guarantee that the time, money and debt you invest will result in success. Failure is commonplace among dreamers.

For Virtuosos, their financial plan is to invest all of their time and money, and often debt, in becoming a Virtuoso in some field. Becoming a Virtuoso requires that you develop mad skills or knowledge. Acquiring that skill/knowledge takes many years. Often, it requires formal schooling  – graduate school, medical school, law school, get a PhD, etc. It may even require obtaining hard to get licenses, practice many hours a day for many years, study many hours a day for many years, etc.

Saver-Investors, however, choose a very different financial plan. One I like to think of as the easy way to riches. Their plan is simple – spend 80% or less than they make, no matter what, and invest that excess money prudently over many years. The drawback about pursing wealth as a Saver-Investor is that it demands discipline and sacrifice to live below your means.

In our instant gratification, consumerist society, being a Saver-Investor makes you an outlier – the nonconformist who eschews spending money so they can save and invest.

But, the upside is that becoming rich, or at least financially independent, is virtually guaranteed, so long as you develop the Rich Habit of prudently investing your savings.

No need to spend years developing mad skills in order to become a Virtuoso.

No need to take significant risk in time and money in pursuit of a dream.

Your entire focus is limited to two things – living below your means and investing your savings carefully.


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Thomas C. Corley About Thomas C. Corley

Tom Corley is a bestselling author, speaker, and media contributor for Business Insider, CNBC and a few other national media outlets.

His Rich Habits research has been read, viewed or heard by over 50 million people in 25 countries around the world.

Besides being an author, Tom is also a CPA, CFP, holds a master’s degree in taxation and is President of Cerefice and Company, a CPA firm in New Jersey.
Phone Number: 732-382-3800 Ext. 103.
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