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I am very fortunate. I was able to find 177 heroes to worship. They are the self-made millionaires in my Rich Habits Study who taught me right from wrong, good habits from bad habits and the right path vs. the wrong path. They were my success mentors, teaching me what to do and what not to do in life.
Once I was able to quantify the Rich Habits most of the self-made millionaires had in common, I began to adopt many of those habits myself. Within five years I began to see significant changes in my life, financially, physically and mentally.
It was only then that I realized how important having heroes in your life can be. They help transform your life.
Each success hero you find can inspire you, motivate you, direct you. They force you to self-evaluate and can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
You can have multiple heroes. As I discovered in my study, the more the better. By better, I mean, the faster the changes will be in your life.
Where can you find your success heroes?
The good news is that they are all around you.
You can find them by volunteering – they are on the boards and committees of non-profit groups.
You can find them at the workplace, those exceptional employees, bosses or clients/customers doing exceptional work.
You can find them in classrooms, teaching.
They’re alive in biographies and autobiographies.
They can be found at seminars, webinars, podcasts, YouTube videos and TEDx videos.
Anyone working hard to grow and improve can be your hero.
When you find one, study how they live their lives, how they manage their lives, their work ethic, who they surround themselves with, their habits, etc. Get to know them and make them a part of your inner circle.
It’s never too late. Find your success heroes today. Follow their breadcrumbs. Those breadcrumbs will steer you in the right direction and help you find success in your life.
And wealth will follow.
Tom thanks for your emails. They are my fav. I look forward to them every day
Tks Michael!