“Courage is admired so much because it is lacking in so many.” Dr. Ben Carson
The courageous know that they will fail and make mistakes, yet they pursue their dreams and goals anyway. Failure and mistakes cost time and money and this results in setbacks and disappointment.
Most are unwilling to incur these costs and the emotional roller coaster ride that is part of pursuing a dream or big goal. So, we admire the courageous few who follow their dreams or pursue big goals because it requires taking risks most are unwilling to take.
But courage is not something endowed by a creator or embedded in your DNA.
Courage is a habit.
The 145 self-made millionaires in my study (82%) who pursued some dream did so because they made courage a daily habit.
The process of making courage a daily habit is really a simple one.
Tackle one fear at a time. Start with small ones. This helps you build confidence and empowers you to tackle bigger fears down the road. Eventually, overcoming fear will become a habit – courage will become a habit.
We only have one shot at life. Most fritter it away, too afraid to pursue big dreams and audacious goals, that make life worth living.
Don’t be afraid to pursue a big goal or life dream. The older you get, the more you will grow to regret not taking a chance on yourself. You deserve to have the life of your dreams. Don’t let fear hold you back.
Make courage a daily habit.
My mission is to share my unique research in order to help others realize their dreams and achieve their goals. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Subscribe. Thank You!
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