Habits That Separate the Rich From the Poor


Tom Corley boats - crop

In my five-year study of the daily habits of the wealthy and the poor I tracked over 300 activities that separate these two groups. Here is a sampling of some of the differences in their habits:

  1. 6% of the rich said they leased their cars. 45% for the poor did the same. The rich, long before they became rich, bought their cars and held on to them for 10 years or until the engine block cracked.
  2. 13% of the rich drive a high-end car. 9% of the poor did the same. The big difference here is that the rich owned their luxury cars while the poor leased their cars.
  3. 72% of the wealthy knew their credit score vs. 5% of the poor. The rich carefully monitor their credit. They know if they have good credit and they know what their credit score is.
  4. 29% of wealthy households had one or more children who made the honor role vs. 4% for the poor. The self-made rich understand the importance of education.
  5. 77% of the poor admitted to playing the lottery regularly vs. 6% of the rich. But it’s not just the lottery they gamble their money on…..
  6. 52% of the poor admitted that they gamble on sports at least once a week vs. 16% of the wealthy.
  7. 43% of the poor admitted to losing their temper at least once in the past month vs. 19% of the wealthy. People like doing business with people who have control over their emotions.
  8. 75% of the rich learned good daily success habits from their parents. 94% of the poor admitted that their parents were poor mentors. Children pick up the habits of their parents.
  9. 21% of the wealthy admitted to being overweight by 30 pounds or more. vs.66% of the poor. But there’s more to this story…
  10. 69% of the poor visit fast food restaurants 3 times or more each week. 75% of the wealthy stay away from fast food restaurants. Still more….
  11. 57% of the rich counted calories every day vs. 5% of the poor. Wait, not done yet…
  12. 69% of the poor eat candy more than once a week vs. 28% of the rich. It gets worse….
  13. 70% of the rich ate less than 300 junk food calories each day. 97% of the poor ate more than 300 junk food calories.  Got one more on health…
  14. 76% of the rich exercise aerobically every day vs. 23% for the poor.
  15. How do the rich and the poor think when it comes to wealth and poverty? 79% of the poor believe wealth is the result of random good luck. 92% of the rich disagree.
  16. 90% of the poor believe in fate vs. 10% for the wealthy.
  17. 79% of the rich believe they are the cause of their financial condition. 82% of the poor believe they are not responsible for their poverty. It’s someone else’s fault.
  18. The poor love watching T.V and, in particular, reality shows. 77% of the poor admitted to watching more than one hour of T.V. each day  and their preference? Reality T.V. wins hands down. 78% of the poor watch reality T.V. shows. The rich, on the other hand are not big on T.V. 67% watch less than an hour each day and it’s not reality T.V. that they tune in to. Only 6% watch reality T.V.

There you have it. It’s not pretty. I only scratched the surface. The rich are rich because they have more Rich Habits than Poor Habits and the poor are poor because they have more Poor Habits than they have Rich Habits. If you want to rise from poverty or the middle-class, you’ve got to change your daily habits.

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Thomas C. Corley About Thomas C. Corley

Tom Corley is a bestselling author, speaker, and media contributor for Business Insider, CNBC and a few other national media outlets.

His Rich Habits research has been read, viewed or heard by over 50 million people in 25 countries around the world.

Besides being an author, Tom is also a CPA, CFP, holds a master’s degree in taxation and is President of Cerefice and Company, a CPA firm in New Jersey.
Phone Number: 732-382-3800 Ext. 103.
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  1. I forget, what is your definition of “poor”?

  2. These findings make sense once you think about it.

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