Human beings are amazing! We are the only species on earth with the capability to turn thoughts into reality.
We dream. We dream amazing dreams. We create amazing things from those dreams. We make the impossible possible from those dreams.
And here’s the thing – each and every one of us is endowed with this innate genetic genius; this ability to create something out of nothing. There is no limit to our capacity to create, except our imagination.
We were intended to live a life of abundance; to be happy and successful in life.
It was not intended for humans to be poor, to struggle financially or to live a life of quiet desperation.
We exist to be great, to achieve great things. It is within our genetic makeup to create, to produce, to innovate and to become masters of our lives.
Still, despite these genetic blessings, three out of four Americans live paycheck to paycheck, according to a study by CareerBuilder,
Why are so many struggling financially?
Why does poverty perpetuate itself from one generation to the next?
And lastly, why do the rich get richer?
Our beliefs can either create wealth or create poverty. If you believe you are smart, you are right. If you believe you are dumb, you are right. If you believe life is your oyster, you are right. If you believe life wealth is scarce, you are right.
What we believe determines who we become in life.
The starting point of poverty and wealth is always the same – our beliefs.
Beliefs are stored deep in the subconscious mind. These beliefs are forged by the fire of our environment.
Every day we are bombarded with external environmental data taken in by our senses. The neocortex, or conscious brain, has no choice but to filter and limit the data it takes in, in order conserve brain fuel and prevent overload.
To prevent this overload, the insular and reticular activating system filters what is allowed to be seen by our consciousness or stored in memory.
Emotionalized thoughts, however, almost always become stored in long-term memory, thanks to the subconscious.
The subconscious overrides the insular and reticular activating system filters, giving emotionalized thoughts priority when it comes to memory storage.
Beliefs represent stored emotionalized thoughts. In a sense, they represent mini computer programs or mini apps that the subconscious downloads for permanent use. These belief apps direct and control our behavior.
If your life is one of poverty or financial struggle, it is almost certainly due to one or more negative, limiting beliefs. These beliefs are directing your behavior in order to create a reality that is in alignment with those limiting beliefs.
For example, if you believe money is scarce, this pre-programming will prompt you to do things (behavior) which help to create a reality that is congruent to that belief (poverty).
So, if you want to change your financial circumstances, you must start by re-programming your mind. You do this by changing your beliefs from negative, limiting beliefs to positive, unlimited beliefs.
In order to initiate this re-programming, however, you must first make yourself aware of any negative, limiting beliefs you currently have. Below is a list to help. Anything you agree with on this list is a limiting belief that you have.
Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back in Life
- Poor people can’t become rich.
- You need good luck in order to become rich – rich people just have good luck.
- I’m unlucky and that’s why I’m poor.
- Rich people are mean, selfish, greedy and evil.
- Rich people are just naturally smarter than poor people.
- I never have enough money.
- I can’t do anything right – I fail at everything I try.
- People just don’t like me.
- I’m so disorganized and have no discipline.
- I’m not a good student – learning is too hard for me.
- All risk is bad.
- It’s not my fault I’m poor. I’m poor because of Wall Street, the government, rich people, my parents, etc.
- There’s only so much money to go around.
- Success and wealth is all about who you know.
- No one respects me.
- I never have enough time.
- I have bad genes.
- The poor shall inherit the earth or It’s harder for the rich to enter heaven
Each one of these limiting beliefs is an individual mini computer program which alters your behavior in a negative way. These limiting beliefs are responsible for the life you have.
If you are unhappy and want to change your circumstances in life, you need to replace these limiting beliefs with positive, uplifting beliefs.
It can be done.
Here are some powerful strategies that will reprogram your subconscious and completely transform your life. If you follow these strategies for 30 days, the reprogramming will begin to stick and you will notice you thinking shift from negative to positive.
The Five Year Letter
The Five Year Letter is a lot of fun. It gets the imagination going and when you’re done you will feel immediately better about yourself. Kids particularly enjoy this activity. Here’s how it works:
Imagine it is five years from now and you are writing n a journal, explaining what your life is like. You have an amazing life. Everything you ever wanted, you have – describe what you have. You love what you do for a living – describe what you do.
Paint a picture of your perfect life five years from now. It is the life you would want to have if you could snap your fingers today.
Describe in your letter where you live, what kind of house you live in, what car you drive, what you do for a living, how much money you make, etc. Then, describe what you’ve done the past five years that has brought into existence this perfect life – the dreams you pursued and realized, the goals you set and achieved.
This is essentially a blueprint for your future life.
Write Your Obituary
This exercise forces you to evaluate your current life and gives you an opportunity to re-write your script for the future. What would you like your perfect obituary to say? How would you like the world to remember you? What great things have you done that will be forever remembered?
Include all of the things you would like to accomplish in your life. Don’t skimp. List all of the Big Ass Dreams you realized in your life.
Your obituary should make you in awe of yourself. Really lay it on. Pour forth your greatness and all of the success you had during your life. Paint a picture with words of the person you would like to be.
Like the Five Year Letter, let this Obituary becomes the blueprint plan of your life – the future you.
Make a List of Your Wishes and Dreams
List every wish or dream you would like to come true. Then reduce it to the top five wishes or dreams you would like to come true over the next five, ten or twenty years.
Create Goals around Your Wishes and Dreams
Goals are the construction crew for our dreams. Seventy percent of the wealthy in my Rich Habits Study set long-term goals. Goals help define the activities you need to engage in in order to realize each one of your dreams.
Goals work like a magnifying glass, helping you to focus on what you need to do.
Once you identify the actions required in order to realize an individual dream, you have your goals for that dream.
Create a Victory Log
This is a listing of all of your successes in life. Its purpose is put a stop to the negative self-criticism we all seem to engage in. It’s a tool to stop your conscious mind from beating you up and shifts your thinking from negative to positive.
Positive thinking attracts good things into your life by reprogramming your subconscious mind from negative to positive. The Victory Log programs your subconscious to be success-focused and not failure-focused. It’s a psychological pat on the back and it works.
Every time you screw up, pull out your Victory Log and begin reading. It will stop you from beating yourself up the rest of the day and prevent you from going negative.
Mistakes and failures are nothing more than lessons to be learned. They are not a reflection of your incompetence, lack of education, or some character flaw. They are just things to learn from.
The Victory Log help put mistakes and failures in their proper context and keeps you on the path of Prosperity Thinking.
Create Daily Affirmations around Your Goals
Affirmations need to be in the present tense and represent a future state of being. For example: “I am our company’s #1 salesman”. Affirmations only work when they are tied to your goals.
Create a Vision Board
Your Vision Board is a visual representation of all of the the things you desire in life. Cut out and paste pictures onto your Vision Board – the ideal house you would like to live in, the ideal car you drive, the ideal profession, the size of your bank account, places you would like to go on vacation, things you would like to do, people you would like to meet or become friends with people you’d like to do business with, etc.
Keep this Vision Board where you can see it and look at it in the morning just after waking up and at night, just before going to bed.
Meditate About Your Dreams and Goals Coming True
- Sit in a chair and get comfortable.
- Close your eyes.
- Feel your eyes relax, then your whole head, then your neck, then your shoulders, then your chest, then your arms, then your waist, then your legs and then your feet.
- Take thirty deep breathes and see the numbers in your head. Let all thoughts drift by one after the other.
- Visualize your big dream coming true. Visualize all of your goals being realized. Visualize your ideal life, with your ideal home, ideal job, your high income, your good health. See yourself happy and successful.
- Ask for help in overcoming any obstacles that are currently in your way.
- Open your eyes and say “I believe I can succeed”.
My mission is to share my unique research in order to help others realize their dreams and achieve their goals. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Subscribe. Thank You!
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