Hope is critical to success and it is a Rich Habit, but only if hope is riding on the shoulders of action.
And that action must be directly tied to your dreams and goals. Such goal-directed action keeps you moving forward, in a focused, deliberate manner, toward the achievement of your goals and the realization of your dreams.
Hope, without action is no strategy.
However, hope, with action, is the formula for success. And when that action is transformed into habits, that is when you put the pursuit of success on autopilot.
Dreams and goals can only be transformed into reality through action. With action, hope becomes a powerful tool that keeps you motivated in the pursuit your goals and dreams.
Without action, hope is useless.
My mission is to share my unique research in order to help others realize their dreams and achieve their goals. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Subscribe. Thank You!
This article only makes sense. One can pray all they want but that positive result is not just going to fall out of the sky directly into one’s lap.