Every Dreamer-Entrepreneur is spurred into taking action by one common powerful positive emotion – Hope.
Hope drives Dreamers to create goals around their dreams. Each goal achieved, gets the Dreamer closer to realizing their dream.
But, along the way, adversity tests the Dreamer and their goals.
On this battlefield, hope retreats one day, temporarily beaten back by adversity. On those days, hope is replaced by uncertainty.
The next day, small victories beat back adversity and, once again, hope reemerges, spurring us on to continue this war against adversity and uncertainty.
Adversity can only be overcome through hard work, daily self-improvement, adopting proven success habits, pivoting, persistence and patience. During this journey through adversity, hope battles adversity on a daily basis until the dream is realized.
If you are a Dreamer, you will face adversity. But adversity forces you to do what you would not otherwise do. It pushes your back up against the wall and helps transform you into the person you need to be in order to realize your dream.
Adversity is both your friend and foe.
My mission is to share my unique research in order to help others realize their dreams and achieve their goals. If you find value in these articles, please share them with your inner circle and encourage them to Subscribe. Thank You!
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Best regards. Lía.