Rich Habits Word of the Day
Etiquette – Civility, good behavior. Tom learned from the wealthy in his study the importance of etiquette in business and social settings.
Rich Habits Fact of the Day
At the age of 16 George Washington decided to write down all of the laws of civility in order to learn them better. Click here for these laws:
Rich Habits Lesson of the Day
Believe it or not most people don’t know how to eat. You’re going to have to go to many social events during your life and you need to know how to eat right. Let’s go down the list:
- As soon as you sit in your chair take the napkin off the table and drape it over your lap like this.
- Never begin eating until everyone has their meal.
- Never chew with your mouth opened.
- Never talk while you’re chewing your food.
- Never dip any food you’re eating into a sauce everyone is using.
- Don’t wolf down your food. Eat at the same pace as everyone else at the table.
- Never hold a spoon, fork or knife with your fist.
- Never make gestures while your utensils are in your hands.
- Never reach for anything like salt and pepper. Always ask someone to pass things like that.
- Don’t slouch at the table. Sit straight up.
- After the meal, excuse yourself and go to the bathroom and make sure you don’t have any food in your teeth. I always carry a toothpick in my wallet just for this reason.
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