Rich Habits Word of the Day
Voracious – Uncontrolled, avid. Tom became a voracious reader when he discovered that it was a Rich Habit of successful people.
Rich Habits Fact of the Day
Co-founder of Microsoft and tech icon Bill Gates has made no secret of his passion for books. Gates loves to read, and loves to share what he’s reading with others through the Gates Notes Bookshelf, full of book reviews, books he’s read, and books he wants to share with the world. Beyond recommendations, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has made it a mission to bring and keep more useful technology in U.S. libraries and even libraries around the world. On a more personal level, the Gates home stands as a testament to his love of reading, with a 2,100 square foot private library, complete with a domed reading room, and a Leonardo da Vinci notebook valued at nearly $31 million.
Rich Habits Lesson of the Day
ALL successful people were mentored. Some were mentored by their parents, others by teachers and still others by someone who took them under their wing at work. When you find a mentor it is as if someone just deposited $4 million into your bank account. It’s that valuable. But not every successful person has a real-life mentor. Some have no choice but to find their mentors in books. Books can actually be your mentors in life. Biographies of successful people, self-help books, success books, history books and how to books can take the place of real life mentors. They can lead you down the right path in life, inspire you, motivate you and educate you just like any parent, teacher or career-mentor can. Spending 20-30 minutes a day reading these types of books will open your eyes and pave the road for you in life.
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