Rich Habits Word of the Day
Modus Vivendi – Process. Tom’s modus vivendi was to accomplish five things every day that move him closer to realizing his major goals in life.
Rich Habits Fact of the Day
One of Thomas Edison’s major goals in life was to create a system that distributed electricity in major cities. Edison’s first major power station for the delivery of electricity to diverse customers was in Lower Manhattan on Pearl Street. On Sept. 4, 1882, Edison threw the switch that activated the Pearl Street system. Juice flowed down the wires from six sets of steam-generators.
Rich Habits Lesson of the Day
95% in America eke out a living. They live paycheck to paycheck. Most have very little savings. If you want to accumulate wealth and become financially successful in life, it is not impossible to do. Failure, like success is just a process. The process you are following is revealed by your daily habits. If you have bad daily habits you will fail in life. If you have good daily habits you will succeed. To achieve financial success, you simply need to eliminate one or two old bad daily habits and add one or two new good daily habits. This is how the rich get rich.
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