Once we move beyond the need for food and shelter, we are all after one thing in life – happiness. Happiness, unfortunately, is elusive. Most people are, in fact, unhappy and most of those unhappy people will do anything to pursue happiness.
Unfortunately, some of the methods they use to pursue happiness are destructive. Drugs, alcohol, infidelity, gambling and many other vices are examples of activities individuals engage in to find temporary happiness. These vices eventually become Poverty Habits. When these Poverty Habits no longer bring about their short term happiness, we tend to move on to another vice, which soon becomes another Poverty Habit. This trend often continues for an entire lifetime. It is a destructive trend that causes divorce, job loss, failing health and ultimately, an unhappy life.
Happiness comes from within, not without. Pursuing happiness externally is a recipe for a failed, miserable life. But how do you find happiness from within? Through the following process of Rich Thinking:
- Every day express gratitude for five things you are grateful for. Do this every day. Make it a Rich Habit.
- Write a five-year future letter to yourself. In this future letter paint a picture of your ideal life.http://richhabits.net/a-fun-visualization-strategy-that-will-change-your-life-forever/
- Build your goals around your future letter. Set one goal at a time and pursue it every day.
- Use the Daily 5 technique to pursue your one goal. Do five small things every day that move you closer to fulfilling your goal http://richhabits.net/tip-o-the-morning-to-ya-daily-5/
- Find your main purpose in life. http://richhabits.net/dads-advice-to-his-children-on-finding-a-purpose-in-life-and-on-being-happy/
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