Rich Habits Word of the Day
Abstain – Fast, diet. By abstaining from eating high calorie food, she was able to lose weight.
Rich Habits Fact of the Day
Researchers from Loyola University Health System and other centers compared African American women in metropolitan Chicago with women in rural Nigeria. On average, the Chicago women weighed 184 pounds and the Nigerian women weighed 127 pounds. Researchers had expected to find that the slimmer Nigerian women would be more physically active. To their surprise, they found no significant difference between the two groups in the amount of calories burned during physical activity. “Decreased physical activity may not be the primary driver of the obesity epidemic,” said Loyola nutritionist Amy Luke, a member of the study team. “We would love to say that physical activity has a positive effect on weight control, but that does not appear to be the case,” Cooper said.
Diet is a more likely explanation than physical activity expenditure for why Chicago women weigh more than Nigerian women, Luke said. She noted the Nigerian diet is high in fiber and carbohydrates and low in fat and animal protein. By contrast, the Chicago diet is 40 percent to 45 percent fat and high in processed foods.
Rich Habits Lesson of the Day
57% of healthy, successful people monitor how much they eat every day. Monitoring how much you eat every day is important because 70% of all weight loss is diet-driven. Each individual has their own unique “caloric threshold”. This is the number of calories you can consume in a day without gaining or losing weight. When you eat too much and exceed your caloric threshold you will gain weight. When you eat less than your caloric threshold you lose weight.
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