In my five-year study of the daily habits of the rich and poor I found that the wealthy have some very unique habits. These unique habits painted a picture that could lead to only one conclusion: your daily habits are responsible for your financial circumstances in life. Good daily success habits are the cause – wealth and success, the effect. Of the more than 200 metrics I tracked in my study, some included reading habits. Here’s what I uncovered:
- 86% of the wealthy loved reading vs. 26% for the poor.
- 63% of the wealthy listened to audio books during their commute to work vs. 5% for the poor.
- 85% of the wealthy read two or more self-improvement books every month vs. 15% for the poor.
- The books wealthy people read disproportionately included non-fiction books such as: biographies, history, self-help, history, science, career-related books and educational books.
- 88% of the wealthy read 30 minutes or more each day vs. 2% for the poor.
- 94% of the wealthy, on a daily basis, read newspapers, newsletters, magazines, blogs and other digital media vs. 11% of the poor.
One of the metrics that appears to be a key driver for the wealthy and their reading habits is their passion to learn new things. 86% of the wealthy indicated that they loved to learn new things. Only 5% of the poor shared this same passion.
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