The more we use our brains, as we get older, the greater the density of our brain. Contrary to what you may have been led to believe, being dense is good. Brain density is measured by the number of synapses (connections between neurons) and the myelin sheath (the coating of the neural fiber). When we engage in daily learning and daily aerobic exercise, we increase the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NFG) in our brains. NFG is a protein that helps grow and maintain neurons. Increasing the production of NFG is important when you consider that the average person loses 10% of their brain weight in a lifetime, with more of that brain loss occurring at age 60 and beyond. Learning and aerobic exercise also help increase the number of glial cells inside the brain. Glial cells protect neurons and the myelin sheath. Albert Einstein’s brain, at the time of his death (age 75), had an above average number of glial cells. Einstein was still working on his unified field theory almost up to the time of his death.

Tom Corley is a bestselling author, speaker, and media contributor for Business Insider, CNBC and a few other national media outlets.
His Rich Habits research has been read, viewed or heard by over 50 million people in 25 countries around the world.
Besides being an author, Tom is also a CPA, CFP, holds a master’s degree in taxation and is President of Cerefice and Company, a CPA firm in New Jersey.
Phone Number: 732-382-3800 Ext. 103.
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