You’ve probably heard this line used by carpenters and builders a thousand times: “Measure twice build once.” There’s a lot of wisdom in that saying. The things we measure, we can change. I found this out in my five-year study of the daily habits of the wealthy. Wealthy, successful people are fanatics about tracking, measuring and monitoring their progress in many aspects of their lives:
- 57% count calories every day.
- 70% track how much junk food they eat every day.
- 76% track how much exercise they do every day.
- They weigh themselves regularly.
- 94% balance their bank account every month.
- They track the performance of their investments at least monthly.
- 94% make sure they save 20% or more of their gross income. How do they know? They track what they make and what they save.
- They track how much they spend through the use of budgets.
- They track their retirement savings.
- 67% maintain to do lists and make sure they complete 70% or more of the things on their list.
- 62% set goals and monitor their progress on those goals every day. They track what gets them closer and what doesn’t.
- 67% monitor their consumption of T.V. daily
- 63% monitor their daily Internet use.
- 88% track how much they read for self-education every day.
- They keep track of their relationships by making Hello Calls, Happy Birthday Calls and Life Event Calls.
If you want to change your life, you must do so intentionally. You must make an effort to change certain behaviors that are holding you back from realizing success in life. That is only going to happen if you monitor your habits, your behavior, your thinking, your health and your progress and then change those things that are holding you back from success, good health and a happy life.
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