Success doesn’t happen overnight. Oftentimes, it seems that way because most successful people seem to explode onto the scene. They seem to manifest out of thin air. Warren Buffet was a relatively unknown person even into his late 40’s. And then in the mid- 1980’s he was everywhere. T.V., magazines, national newspapers, in books by other authors. All of a sudden, everyone knew who Warren Buffet was. But Warren only received recognition after decades of pursuing success. His overnight success took a lot of time.
Success is the byproduct of years of building a body of work, of doing those little, consistent things every day that lead to success. What makes successful people different from the rest of humanity is that they do the things the should do. They don’t wait until the spirit moves them. They make the pursuit of success a daily habit; every day, scheduling their success.
If you really want to be successful you first have to become clear about what it is you want to succeed in. You need clarity. How do you become clear about your success? There’s a process. Take out a pad and pencil and begin creating a script of your ideal life. Define exactly what your future, ideal life will look like. This exercise will spark your imagination and toggle on the creative parts of your brain. It may take a week or more, after many edits, before your script is complete. That’s ok. 500 words is all you need. Once completed, this script becomes the blueprint of your life. In a few weeks after completing your script, goals you need to accomplish in order to realize your ideal life, will manifest seemingly out of thin air.
Once you have defined your goals, you then begin the process of scheduling your success. Every day do five things that will move you forward toward achieving your goals. You do these five things even when you don’t want to. You do these five things even when you’re sick, having a bad day, tired or unmotivated. You make this Daily 5 a daily habit. These five things could be the same things every day or they could be different things every day. I process my Daily 5 list into my to do list. Some are exactly the same every day. Some are different and come from a more extensive list of activities that I pencil into my to do list.
Every day, rain or shine, I complete my Daily 5. I even complete my Daily 5 during tax season, when I’m working 80 hours a week, including weekends. Circumstances don’t matter. I am, like a mad scientist, scheduling my success on a daily basis. Most of the time, I don’t feel like doing certain Daily 5 activities. But I do them. Some of them I hate to do. But I do them. Some take more time than others. But I do them. I make a daily habit out of pursuing my Daily 5 because I know, in time, they will help move me forward to achieving my very clear and specific goals.
Let’s summarize the process of scheduling success:
- Create a 500 word script of your ideal life.
- Define the goals that you must accomplish in order to have that ideal life.
- Do five things every day that will move you forward in achieving each of your goals.
What are you waiting for?
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