Wealthy, successful people are very particular about who they associate with. Their goal is to develop relationships with other success-minded individuals. When they stumble onto someone who fits the bill, they then devote an enormous amount of their time and energy into building a strong relationship. They grow the relationship from a sapling into a redwood. Relationships are the currency of the wealthy and successful.
One of the strategies I uncovered in my five-year study of the daily habits of the rich and poor involves how the successful turn these relationship saplings into redwoods and I’m going to share it with you. Let’s go.
Dedicate a portion of each day to improving the life of one of the relationships. Spend time each day helping them achieve their goals, improve their careers or grow their business. Thirty minutes a day is all it takes. What happens next is the really cool part. If you did you job picking your relationship, they will reciprocate (if they don’t reciprecate you stop investing in them). They will become your biggest cheerleader, your best salesperson and best referral source. They will open doors for you that were nailed shut. They will bend over backwards to help improve your life. It’s the Law of Reciprocity at work. And successful people use it every day.
Example: One of your new relationships just started a new business and needs customers. You devote part of one day each week in reaching out to our own circle to tell them about the new business. Over time your new relationship’s business will grow and so will your business as your new relationships, through the Law of Reciprocity, starts referring their own customers to you.
The idea is to focus intently on improving just one of your relationships every day. It’s like putting your relationship on steroids. The roots to that relationship tree will grow very deep and elevate it to another level. If you do this week in and week out, each year you will grow 52 of your relationships and they, in turn, will reciprocate.
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