Those who accumulate enormous wealth in life ALL share one common trait ………. the just don’t quit. Persistence is the key to success. The rich persist in adhering to certain, specific good habits that enable them to achieve their goals and realize their dreams in life. Below are some of those persistence habits I uncovered in my five-year study on the daily habits of the rich:
- 80% of the wealthy persistently pursued one specific goal for a year or more.
- 94% of the wealthy persistently saved 10 – 20% of their income beginning at an early age. This forced them to live below their means.
- 80% of the wealthy persistently strenghtened their relationships by making three types of phone calls: Hello Calls, Happy Birthday Calls & Life Event Calls.
- 88% of the wealthy persistently read to learn every day for at least 30 minutes.
- 63% of the wealthy persistently took calculated risks in pursuit of wealth.
- 79% of the wealthy persistently networked and associated with other success-minded people.
- 67% of the wealthy persistently accomplished 70% of their daily to do’s.
- 81% of the wealthy persistently controlled their thoughts, emotions and the words that came out of their mouths.
- 76% of the wealthy persistently exercised every day at least 30 minutes.
- Parents of the these wealthy individuals persistently mentored them: 63% were required to read for learning every day, 70% were required to volunteer 10 hours or more every month and 73% were taught to save their money and live below their means.
- 68% of the wealthy paid it forward, persistently mentoring others who worked for them.
- 67% persistently managed their time. They limited how much T.V. they watched to less than one hour each day.
Success requires persistence. Persistence requires doing certain things every day. Wealthy people have certain good daily habits they persistently adhere to every day.
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