In my five-year study of the daily habits of the rich and poor I discovered one of the secrets to success: Positivity. Wealthy people have the Rich Habit of a Positive Mental Outlook (PMO). They are upbeat, optimistic, grateful and happy.
Below are some of the positivity statistics I uncovered in my study of the wealthy:
- 82% were happy
- 94% were happy doing what they did for a living
- 92% were happy with their health
- 87% were happily married
- 98% believed in unlimited opportunity
- 81% did not allow themselves to lose their temper
- 87% believed they created their own good luck
- 94% avoided negative gossiping
- 79% believed they would be financially successful in life
- 85% believed honesty was critical to success
- 83% meditated every day
- 54% believed their optimism was an important factor in their success
- 78% believed those who pursued wealth were good, honest and hardworking individuals
- 96% believed success has nothing to do with chance
- 62% were devoted to some charitable cause
- 97% believed wealthy people are not greedy
Below are some of the negativity statistics I uncovered in my study of the poor:
- 98% were unhappy
- 85% were unhappy doing what they did for a living
- 53% were unhappy in their marriage
- 51% did not believe in unlimited opportunity
- 43% allowed themselves to lose their temper
- 54% believed they were the victims of random bad luck
- 79% engaged in negative gossip
- 87% believed they would be poor in life
- 77% believed lying was critical to success in life
- 52% believed chance determines success
- 78% believed optimism is not critical to success
- 95% believed wealthy people were greedy, dishonest and not hardworking
Positivity is a mindset. The wealthy did not have a positive mental outlook because they were wealthy. They are wealthy because they had a positive mental outlook. They developed a PMO long before they realized any success in life. They made positivity a daily habit. Those who were poor developed their negative mindset long before they became poor. There’s an old saying: “If you don’t believe, you will never achieve”. You must believe you will succeed in life. You must embrace positivity. You must change your outlook from a negative mental outlook to a positive mental outlook. Those who sow negativity, reap negativity. Those who sow positivity reap positivity. What do you want to sow?
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