Life has a way of throwing wrenches into our day. How many of you raise your hands in frustration at the end of a work day because the 3 or 4 things you wanted to get done were somehow replaced by unanticipated disruptions. Unanticipated disruptions happen. Sometimes they happen too often. These disruptions have a psychological affect on us. They can drip into our subconscious and eventually form the belief that we have no control over our life. Once formed, this belief puts on its work hat, telling us, subconsciously, that we are not in control of our day. This belief causes us to feel helpless. Feeling helpless is the #1 common cause of depression.
But there’s a solution. There’s a way to take back control of your life and kill the roots to that negative belief. It’s called the 5 am Club. Getting up at 5 am to tackle the top 3 things you want to accomplish in your day allows you to regain control of your day. It gives you a sense of confidence that you direct your life. It gives you a feeling of power over your life. It puts the reigns of “your'” life back into “your” hands.
Getting up at 5am is a daily habit. It will take time to form this daily habit. This is one of those Keystone Habits I like to talk about. Keystone Habits are the most powerful type of habits because of their impact on your life. One strategy to help you develop this 5 am Club habit is to find someone to join your 5 am Club and hold you accountable. Someone who will be there, waiting and looking for you at 5 am, will force you to overcome the urge to sleep in. Start your 5 am Club tomorrow. Find an accountability partner, someone who will join your 5 am Club. You’ll regain control of your life and it will make you feel better about yourself. You’ll gain confidence that life is within your control and it will end your feeling of helplessness.
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