“The foundation of success is built upon a mountain of mistakes. The more mistakes you make in life, the higher your mountain will be. The higher your mountain, the greater your success.” Yours truly
I love kicking off many of my speaking engagements with this quote because it forces people to re-think mistakes. We need to embrace mistakes. While mistakes hurt -they cost us time and money – they have the effect of altering behavior. They force us to change course and move in a different direction. Mistakes are our GPS guidance system for success. But mistakes only act as a GPS guidance system when we are aware of and then learn something from the mistakes we are making.
If you are struggling in life, one of the reasons is that you are repeating your mistakes. Why would anyone repeat a mistake? Lack of awareness and learning. You are not mindful of the mistakes you are making which means you cannot learn from them. The cure is tracking your mistakes. Every one of them. Here’s what you need to do:
For one month, track every wonderful mistake you make every day. Carry around a little notepad in your pocket and, for one month, write down every single mistake you make every single day. At the end of the month review your list. Search for duplicate mistakes; those that repeat. This tracking process will force you to become aware of your mistakes, particularly the ones that you are repeating. Only after you become aware of your mistakes can you learn from them and change them.
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