Darren Hardy, in his early days as a salesman, would not stop working for the day until he was rejected fifty times. Tim Ferriss, author of The 4-Hour Workweek, was rejected 26 times before he found a publisher. Colonel Sanders failed over 1,000 times in finding a partner for his Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe. Everyone knows the story of Thomas Edison’s 10,000 failures. To date, I’ve accumulated 35,000 failures in trying to publish and promote my books.
There’s a great irony in the pursuit of success, in that you have to climb a mountain of failures to get there. It’s not some, or a few of the self-made millionaires who experience failure. It’s the rule, rather than the exception. This isn’t meant to discourage you. It’s intended to prepare you for you your journey. There’s a reason so few succeed in achieving their dreams. Not many have the stomach for failure. Not many have the grit that it takes to overcome their failures in order to realize success. In a very strange sense, pursuing success is really the pursuit of failure. You have to walk through hell (failure) in order to get to heaven (success).
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