Problems are a good thing. They’re a necessary thing for those pursuing success. Without problems there would be no solutions, no innovation, no breakthroughs and no millionaires. Problems stimulate creative thought and action. Problems allow individuals and society to evolve.
Having said that, problems also create anxiety. They agitate and frustrate us. They hold us back from moving forward and realizing success in life.
The solution to seemingly intractable problems is persistence. Persistence, the habit of never giving up, can solve most of life’s intractable problems. Unfortunately, most give up. They lack persistence. Consequently, those who give up are never able to solve their problems and, as Henry David Thoreau so eloquently put it, they live lives of quiet desperation.
If you want to succeed, there is only one path – persistence. Never, ever give up on solving a problem. Solutions alter who you are. They enable you to grow and evolve.
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