63% of the self-made millionaires in my Rich Habits study took risks in the pursuit of their dream, new business or investment opportunity. 27% of those same millionaires failed at least once in life. These millionaires figured out what to do and what not to do, after the fact.
Pursuing success requires taking risks and overcoming your fear of failure. It requires courage and a strong belief that you will ultimately succeed. Self-made millionaires do not dip their toes in the water. They dive into the water and then figure out how to swim later.
Waiting until the time is right in order to minimize your risk is what most people do. Most people are not self-made millionaires. If you wait until all of your ducks are lined up, you will never take the leap and pursue your dream, new business or investment opportunity. You have to leap first and worry about the parachute later.
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