According to my research, it takes the average self-made millionaire 32 years to become rich. Those who achieve this status have adopted the daily habit of reading for self-improvement every day. According to my study, 85% read two or more books every month. If you do the math, that’s 768 books. But these millionaires don’t read just any old books. They read books that will help them grow and learn. Here’s a list of the types of books self-made millionaires read:
- Career-related books.
- How-to books.
- History books.
- Biographies of successful people.
- Self-help books.
- Health-related books.
- Current events books.
- Books on memory improvement and learning.
- Psychology books.
- Leadership books.
- Science books.
- New age books that offer inspiration and create a positive mental outlook.
The key to success in life is growing your knowledge base and skills. Devote 30 minutes or more each day to learning by reading books. If you do, it will set you apart from the competition, as most people do not read. Reading every day puts you in the top 5% of the crowd.
Hi Tom,
I took time to read a good chunk of your work. I think one thing that seems to be absent from your articles on being wealthy and successful is the concept of fulfillment. From how you write it seems like fulfillment, to you, is a byproduct of success. Like success and wealth are the core aspiration and happiness and fulfillment are the result.
I’m curious what you think of people who follow the traits that you prosthelytize so adamantly, but do their work in areas that don’t compensate them generously, say Mother Teresa for an overused example. I tend to think that one can be abysmally poor and incredibly fulfilled while another can be fantastically successful and rich and be tragically unfulfilled. Why then should becoming a self-made millionaire be the primary example for success and happiness in life?
I agree you can be fulfilled while poor. Happiness and fulfillment are not the same thing, however. The key, I believe, is to do work that is fulfilling and, at the same time, provides an income that is able to meet your standard of living. I was very fulfilled when I was working as a janitor during college. I really loved that job. But I was also very unhappy because I was poor.