For the average self-made millionaire in my study, it took 32 years to get there. The exceptions to this long waiting period were the 7% who had found that thing they loved to do in life. This group not only achieved success in one third the time, they also accumulated nearly twice the average wealth of the other wealthy individuals in my study.
When you find that thing you love to do, a purpose that infuses you with passion, you accelerate and accentuate your success in life. You work twice as hard because you love what you are doing. You learn twice as much because you love what you are doing. Mondays are no different from Saturdays or Sundays. Each day, you look forward to waking up and pursuing your purpose. Work is no longer “work”, it’s fun. You think about your “work” 24/7. You become obsessed.
Life rewards those who love what they do for a living. Enormous wealth accumulation is not the real reward, it’s just a byproduct. The real reward is happiness.
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