Did you know that most of your thoughts are a waste of time and bad for your health? Oftentimes, the thoughts we think are negative and cause us to worry. This leads to stress, which causes a rise in cortisol. Excessive and continued production of cortisol impairs our immune system and opens the door to disease and infection.
Don’t think you think bad thoughts? Have you ever thought about the riots that have been in the news lately? What about all the various murders that are reported by the media? Do you think about them? Were you obsessing over the U.S.-Iraq nuclear deal? How about what Trump said about McCain the other day? Did you give it even a single thought?
Every day I see people interacting on social media about things that are outside their control. Some of the interaction gets heated and its clear those things are causing stress.
Because the media knows we humans have a predilection to think about negative things, the buffet of news includes, for the most part, anything that is negative. And most of those things are completely outside your control. There is virtually nothing you can do about most of the negative things you think about. When you think about negative things you can’t control, it leads to long-term stress because you cannot change the outcome of those negative things and, thus, they will not improve and won’t go away. Those thoughts will repeat inside your brain over and over again causing long-term stress.
You should only be thinking about things you can control in your life. Focus only on thoughts about things in your life you have complete control over. Why? Because you can take action on those things, fix whatever needs to be fixed, and then move on, allowing those thoughts to go away. Stop thinking about things you can’t control. It’s a waste of your time and impairs you health.
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