Everyone, whether they are aware of it or not, embraces certain ideologies. The most obvious ones are religious, political and racial. But there are less obvious ones. In my research I uncovered two ideologies that are responsible for success and failure:
- Can Do Ideology – Those with a Can Do ideology believe they are in control of their lives. They believe that their circumstances are temporary and can be altered by changing the vision of their lives and taking action to make that vision a reality. These individuals pursue a dream and never quit on that dream. They are growth oriented, open minded, truth seekers, devoted to self-education (they read to learn every day), optimistic, positive and enthusiastic about life. They believe they are individually responsible for the lives they have. You occasionally run into them in life. They say things like: “life is an oyster”, “today is the first day of the rest of your life”, “life is what you make of it”, “opportunities are all around you”, “I love people”, “be grateful for what you have”, etc.
- Can’t Do Ideology – Those with a Can’t Do ideology believe they are victims in life. They believe that their circumstances are permanent, determined by the circumstances and environment one is born into. You run into them all the time. They are usually negative, pessimistic, angry, closed minded and depressed about life. You’ll hear them say things like: “successful people are just lucky”, “wealthy people are members of the lucky sperm club”, “I am unlucky”, “life’s a struggle”, “poor people are poor because they were born into poverty”, etc.
Be careful of the ideology you choose. Some allow you to soar, while others anchor you to failure and mediocrity. Most ideologies we pick up in life come from our parents. They represent certain thinking that becomes a daily habit. Every human being has the potential for unlimited success if life. Unfortunately, the Can’t Do ideology is pervasive and holds most back from taping into their potential. While success is never easy, it is made much easier by virtue of the fact that so few have a Can Do ideology. Be one of those few.
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