In a University of Minnesota survey conducted by Eric Klinger, PhD, he found that the average human being only concentrates on what they’re doing 1/3 of the time. The other 2/3 of the time we are occupied in thinking about relationships, personal problems and people who made us angry. The survey also found that we only spend 6% of the time engaged in problem solving.
One of the hallmarks of self-made millionaires is their ability to focus on goals and their dreams for long periods of time. Passion is the magical ingredient that elevates our concentration level. When we are passionate about what we’re doing we don’t have to rely on willpower, a limited resource, and we don’t experience decision fatigue. Passion puts our brain into overdrive without the associated decline in cognitive function, as with ordinary willpower. You cannot will your way to success. Success is a byproduct of being passionate about what you do for a living. Find something you love and you double your brain power.
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