One of the hallmarks of the self-made millionaires in my Rich Habits Study was their generosity. They gave both their time and money primarily to local community-based non-profit organizations. But what if I told you that even if you don’t have a lot of money, you could be charitable, and it wouldn’t cost you any time or money?
Have you ever found money? Do you remember what you did with the last change you found in a parking lot, on the street of on a sidewalk? If you’re like most, you probably put it in your pocket and it eventually made its way into some container you have at home for change.
Well, let me tell you what I just started doing with my found money. I put a cup in my car. I call it the Found Money Charity Cup. I now put all of my found money in the cup. When the cup is full, I intend on bringing it to one of the non-profits in my town and giving them the money. It might take a year to fill that cup but, so what. The few dollars I accumulate will come to some good use.
What’s interesting, is that the moment I put this Found Money Charity Cup in my car, I began looking for money everywhere. And because of this little treasure hunt I’ve been on, I am finding money almost on a daily basis. And my cup is really starting to fill up. I began to think, what if everyone started to do the same thing? What if offices, warehouses, manufacturing facilities, schools, bars, auto repair shops, hair salons, car rentals, airports, parking garages, ferries, train stations, etc. around the world put out a Found Money Charity Cup? Can you imagine how much of the world’s found money would make its way into a worthwhile charity? Something to think about.
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