I thought I’d share with you a discovery I made about a little-known University whose students graduate with a degree in Success. What makes this University so special is that 100% of its graduates go on to realize enormous success in life. The majority of the graduates become small business owners. Others become professionals or end up rising to the top of the executive ladder in big multinational companies. This University is far superior to Wharton, Yale, Princeton, Harvard and many other well-known schools, in terms of the success rate and achievements of its students.
It’s a wonder to me why everyone in the world doesn’t know about this school. But, ironically, hardly anyone does and, as a result, the school has only a small number of students. The name of the school is Better University, or Better U for short. I picked up a copy of their syllibus so I could share it with you:
- Reading Curriculum: Each student is required to devote 30 – 60 minutes a day to reading the following material:
- Think and Grow Rich, How to Win Friends and Influence People, The Magic of Believing, Millionaire Next Door, The Psychology of Achievement, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Psycho Cybernetics, The Power of Positive Thinking, The Millionaire Mind, Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Greatest Salesman in the World, The Richest Man in Babylon, Success Principles, The Compound Effect, The Entrepreneur Rollercoaster, The Power of Focus, Beyond Willpower, Lead Without a Title, Million Dollar Habits, The Power of Habit, Release Your Brakes, The Magic of Thinking, 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, Wisdom of the Robber Barons, Finding Your Element, Outliers, The Wealthy Barber, How to Make Luck, Make Your Contacts Count, The Brain That Changes Itself, Super Brain, Brain Rules and my favorites:And my personal favorites: Rich Habits, Rich Kids and Change Your Habits Change Your Life
- Biographies required to be read include: Elon Musk, Richard Branson, The Wright Brothers, Andrew Carnegie, Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, Sam Walton, Marriott, Be My Guest, Steve Jobs, Calvin Coolidge, Abraham Lincoln, Warren Buffet, J.K. Rowling, Thomas Edison, Oprah Winfrey, Nicola Tesla, The Magic Kingdom, Titan, Napoleon Hill, Martha Stewart and George Washington. Students are also free to read any and all biographies of other historically successful individuals.
- Magazines: SUCCESS Magazine and Entrepreneur Magazine.
- Mandatory Volunteering/Networking: Students must devote a minimum of ten hours per month at one or more local non-profit business groups or charitable organizations.
- Mandatory Exercise: Students are required to exercise thirty minutes or more each day. You get to pick the exercise but it must incorporate aerobic and some moderate weight training.
- Dream-setting and Goal-setting: Requires the development of a script of your ideal future life, ten to fifteen years into the future. Requires the identification of the dreams that make up that ideal life and then students are required to build individual goals around each dream.
- Main Purpose Search: Students are required to pursue something novel every three to six months until they find something that infuses them with passion.
- Habit Workshop: This workshop requires that students identify all of their daily habits and then grade each of those habits as good (+) or bad (-). This workshop also requires that they pursue one new good habit and eliminate one bad habit every thirty to sixty days, depending on the complexity of the habits they are forming or eliminating.
- Podcasting: Requires that students listen to at least one podcast per week on topics related to success, heathy living, motivation, entrepreneurship, or any topic that they want to learn more about.
- TEDx: Requires that each student listen to one TedX talk per week.
That’s it. That’s the entire syllabus. The great thing about Better U is it costs very little money, everyone is accepted and you never are forced to graduate. You’re allowed to go to Better U for your entire life.
Tom did you come up with this book list? I’ve read many of these books in the past which have helped me on the path to wealth. I’m always looking for worthy books to read and with this list I have found a few more. Thanks
Hey Michael. I did. I did my best to highlight the major books I think are of the most value.
Love this! I am starting today.
Interesting…do you have the website link?
Hi Paul. My Better University post was intended to highlight the importance of life-long self-education. Maybe one day, someone will start a formal school like this.
Thank you for putting this together. I have been attending Better U. for the past 3 years. It is nice to finally have the curriculum. I will pass it on to other students.
I love this! I think I’ll be enrolling for the rest of my life =)