We’ve all heard about to-do lists. The best to-do lists incorporate daily activities that help you move yourself forward in life towards accomplishing your goals.
But you probably never heard of a to-don’t list. A to-don’t list is a list that includes things you should never do because they are either time wasters, bad habits or things that hold you back from having a happy and successful life. A typical to-don’t list might include the following:
- Don’t watch more than 1 hour of TV today.
- Don’t waste time today on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.
- Don’t envy anyone today.
- Don’t make any impulse purchases today.
- Don’t gossip today.
- Don’t gamble today.
- Don’t drink in excess today.
- Don’t lose my temper today.
- Don’t ignore my family today.
- Don’t read negative news articles today.
- Don’t procrastinate today.
- Don’t ridicule anyone today.
- Don’t hate anyone today.
- Don’t smoke a cigarette today.
- Don’t be negative today.
To-don’t lists are just as important as to-do lists. For those who have a lot of bad habits, they may be more important. To-don’t lists help keep you aware of the things you should not be doing. Knowing what not to do is just as important in achieving success as knowing what to do. To-do’s, while a great success tool, only get you half way there. To-don’ts take you the rest of the way. What would be on your to-don’t list? Take your life to the next level. Start a to-don’t list today.
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