Rich Habits Word of the Day
Indolent – Averse to work, lazy. Tim chose not to read because he was indolent.
Rich Habits Fact of the Day
According to a number of studies, people who read at least seven career-related books a year earn 2.3 times more than those who read only one a year. Wealthy people understand that wealth follows reading. The more you read the more wealth you accumulate.
Rich Habits Lesson of the Day
The wealthy are nine times more likely to read than the poor based on a Rich Habits Institute Study. The wealthy read 30 minutes or more every day for self-improvement. Only 2% of the poor read 30 minutes or more each day for self-improvement. Those 2% don’t stay poor for long. Adding just one Rich Habit can change your life dramatically in as little as 30 days.
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