One of the things I learned from my study on self-made millionaires is that they followed one dream. That one dream then introduced them to another dream and then another dream. You see, there isn’t just one dream that takes you to the promised land of happiness and success. There are many dreams. And each dream leads you down a path that branches off into other directions. These paths reveal to you other dreams to pursue. So, how do you know you’re on the right path in life?
Each path you take, each dream you pursue gives you clues that it is the right path. You know you’re on the right path in life when:
- You Feel Uncomfortable – Each dream takes you outside your comfort zone. It makes you feel uncomfortable.
- You Feel Awkward – Each dream forces you to learn new things. In the beginning, you are a novice. New knowledge, new skills don’t come easy. You will feel awkward at first.
- You Experience Ah Ha Moments – Pursuing dreams means you will struggle. Obstacles, pitfalls, mistakes and temporary setbacks will be your partners along the path towards realizing your dream. But it is those struggles, obstacles, pitfalls, mistakes and setbacks that reveal the ah ha moments, the inspired genius inside each one of us that reveals solutions that enable us to overcome them.
- You Will Feel Frustrated – Frustration accompanies action. When things do not go your way, you get frustrated. Dreams cause you frustration. In that frustration you grow. You figure things out.
- You Get Angry – If it was easy everyone would follow their dreams. But it’s not easy. You will experience many emotions. Anger is one of them. You will get angry for not knowing something or for making a mistake. It’s just part of the process.
- You Get Happy – When things go right, it’s exhilarating. Success will make you feel happy.
- You Will Feel The Flow – When you are pursuing the right path in life there will be more and more moments when you are in the flow. There will be more and more moments when time seems to stand still, when you can work for hour after hour on your dream without wanting to stop. This is flow. All dreamers experience flow.
- You Will Become Obsessed – You will find your self thinking about your dream 24/7. You will become obsessed about reading and learning new information. You become a sponge – relentlessly scouring the universe for more and more information regarding your dream. This obsession forces you to grow and learn. It also empowers you. You will become persistent. Relentlessly persistent. And luck finds the persistent.
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