What’s Your Emancipation Proclamation?


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President Abraham Lincoln, on January 1,1863, issued his famous executive order known as The Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that all slaves were free. The Emancipation Proclamation was a mission statement, a decree, a manifesto centered around one singular idea – freedom.

At the heart of every dreamer is the desire to be free. Freedom from being an employee. Freedom from financial worries. Freedom from mind-numbing work that does little to inspire. And freedom from being controlled by others.

Your Emancipation Proclamation is, in one sentence, a declaration of how you will gain your freedom. For me, my Emancipation Proclamation is to become JC Jobs, the main character in my books: Rich Habits and Rich Kids. JC’s singular purpose in life was to be free from poverty. He found that freedom in his discovery of the Rich Habits; habits that teach people how to rise from poverty and realize success. Above my  desk, tacked to my wall, is a sign that reads: To Become JC Jobs – The Future Version of Myself.

That’s my Emancipation Proclamation. That’s my path to freedom. That one declarative statement summarizes, for me, why for the past 14 years, I continue to get up at 4:30am every morning and spend 3 hours writing, researching, learning and preaching about the Rich Habits.

Realizing any dream is hard. It can be a very discouraging journey. On days when I feel most discouraged, I look up from my desk and read my Emancipation Proclamation. I then look back down at my desk and continue working. My Emancipation Proclamation reminds me why I’m pursuing my dream.


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Thomas C. Corley About Thomas C. Corley

Tom Corley is a bestselling author, speaker, and media contributor for Business Insider, CNBC and a few other national media outlets.

His Rich Habits research has been read, viewed or heard by over 50 million people in 25 countries around the world.

Besides being an author, Tom is also a CPA, CFP, holds a master’s degree in taxation and is President of Cerefice and Company, a CPA firm in New Jersey.
Phone Number: 732-382-3800 Ext. 103.
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