In the 90’s I taught Graduate school and college part-time. It paid $1,500 per semester, per course. Mostly accounting and tax courses. I had a full-time job back then that just didn’t pay enough. I taught because we needed the money. And I was grateful for the extra money.
Although teaching did not pay a great deal, I loved it. I loved standing up in front of people and talking. I loved taking complex subjects and breaking them down into simple to understand concepts. I was constantly praised by my students and the administrators at the University. I had stumbled on an innate talent I never knew I had.
I remember thinking, at the time, wouldn’t it be great if I could leverage my love for teaching and speaking to make money? But how?
The answer revealed itself to me many years later, when I became an author. Writing books enabled me to teach my Rich Habits to millions and get paid money in the form of royalties and speaking fees.
Finding your innate talents, therefore, should be your #1 objective in life. We all have some innate talent; something that is unique to ourselves. Your job is to devote part of your life searching for those talents. You do that by experimenting with new things: teaching part-time, writing a blog, joining Toastmasters, building your own deck, taking up painting, learning the piano, designing a website, singing karaoke at a bar, or exploring some new skill.
Find your innate talent and then spend the rest of your life perfecting it. People are willing to pay a premium to individuals who are expert in what they do. Those who perfect their innate talents, by practicing them every day, eventually become experts. And the money eventually follows.
great overview. inspiring insight. Best, Billy