Archives for January 2014

Tip o’ the Morning to Ya – Successful People are Open Minded

Rich Habits Word of the Day

Unbiased – Open Minded. Tom’s desire to improve and succeed in life forced him to adopt an unbiased approach to thinking.

Rich Habits Fact of the Day

Although he is the one President who is universally revered among Republicans, Ronald Reagan used to be a Democrat before he changed his party affiliation to Republican in 1962.

Reagan, who was president of the Screen Actors Guild before being elected governor of California in 1966, was fiercely anti-Communist. He supported presidential candidates who shared this view, such as Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon. Reagan even challenged incumbent President Gerald Ford in the 1976 Republican primary. Though he lost that race, he eventually beat President Jimmy Carter in the 1980 presidential election.

As President, Reagan supported other conservative policies like limited government and lower taxes. Despite this, some of Reagan’s previously held Democratic beliefs, such as ridding the world of nuclear weapons, stayed with him throughout his Presidency.

Rich Habit Lesson of the Day

There are many who paint a picture of the wealthy as right wing and conservative leaning. The facts definitely do not support that. In reality, the most successful people in life are moderate in their thinking. Why? Because, the wealthy did not become wealthy by seeing things as black and white. Their intense focus on daily self-improvement is driven by a desire to better themselves. They are more interested in evolving their thinking then forcing it down someone’s throat. This perpetual desire to improve creates an open-mindedness that is critical to their success in life. Being open-minded enables them to digest new information that can change the way they think, positioning them to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves. Those who see things as black and white are unable to evolve intellectually and limit their peripheral vision. They miss opportunities, as a result, and this negatively impacts their ability to make more money. Creating wealth requires a continuous evolution in your thinking and the prerequisite for that is a state of open-mindedness.

10 things rich people do which poor people don’t

See what Cairns Post is saying about Rich Habits

Headed to College? Don’t Become a Victim of Identity Theft – by Christine Bowen

Perpetrators of identity theft have the ability to obtain credit cards and loans in your name and then not pay the bills. They can open utility accounts, rent an apartment, obtain a cellular phone, and even purchase a car or a home on your dime, without your knowledge. They can commit crimes in your name and leave you with a criminal record. Undoing the damage done by identity theft isn’t easy—it’s a long, hard road to prove what is your responsibility and what is not. Protect yourself now by following these rules.

Leave Your Social Security Card at Home

Your financial livelihood is linked to your social security card. The only time you should ever have to display your social security card is when you are hired by a new employer. Do not carry it in your wallet, rather leave it in a safe place at home, preferably in a fireproof safe. You might even consider renting or safety deposit box.

Purchase a Shredder

As a young adult you will receive applications for credit cards from a multitude of lenders. Anyone with your information can take those applications and apply for credit in your name. Protect yourself and shred all documents that contain personal information, including bank statements, credit card statements, utility bills and tax documents.

Use Identity Protection

Identity protection from companies such as Lifelock, provide protection against fraudulent activity including your credit reports, public records, and websites where stolen information is frequently bought and sold. As with any theft, the sooner you become aware that identity theft has occurred, the sooner you are able to recover.

Look over your shoulder

Shoulder surfing” is a new high tech way of stealing your identity. Today’s cellular phones enable thieves to video record your information either as you complete an application form or enter your information into a computer. Prevent this type of identity theft by remaining aware of your surroundings. Take note of who is listening and who has a direct line of sight to your keypad. If you have any reason to be suspicious, walk away.

Stop Phishing

The act of obtaining victims’ sensitive information by posing as a trusted company is called “Phishing.” For example, you receive an email from your bank requesting you verify your password or social security number via email. Do so and you are providing basic information to an identity thief. Learn to recognize spoofed emails and websites that urgently ask for various types of information. Use extreme caution when you receive an unsolicited email concerning your account information.

Know Emergency Contact Information

Ensure you have an inventory of all your lenders along with their contact information. Should you discover your identity has been stolen you will need to contact all your creditors as soon as possible to prevent any further damage to your credit. You will not want to waste any time struggling to contact credit card companies while you watch your savings account dwindle to nothing.

Author Bio

Christine Bowen runs her own business and blogs about a variety of topics. Her favorite topic is about college students because she has a daughter in her second year of college at the moment.


Poverty and Obesity Linked in Recent Study

My name is Tom Corley. I spent five years studying the daily habits of over 200 wealthy people and over 100 poor people. I tracked over 200 activities that separate the wealthy from the poor. This separation is as wide as the Grand Canyon. The data I gathered from my study is quite frankly revolutionary at least in terms of the way we view wealth and poverty. What I discovered is that our daily habits dictate whether or not we will accumulate wealth and be happy in life or if we will be poor and unhappy in life. One of the interesting things I uncovered in my research was that, in America, we have a unique problem. Poor people are more likely to be obese than wealthy people. I didn’t expect that. I was under the impression that because wealthy people had so much money they could indulge themselves more when it comes to eating. But the opposite was actually true.Wealthy people were more disciplined about their health. They exercised more, usually aerobically, and they were more careful about what they ate, particularly where junk food was concerned. Most of the wealthy avoided junk food I found.

Concerned that my study results did not make sense to me I looked for independent research on the topic of obesity and poverty and here’s what I found:

Let’s look at some of the statistical data from my study:

  • 57% of the wealthy counted calories vs. 5% of the poor
  • 28% of the wealthy ate candy more than twice a week vs. 69% for the poor
  • 70% of the wealthy ate less than 300 junk food calories each day. 97% of the poor ate more than 300 junk food calories each day
  • 76% of the wealthy exercised aerobically 30 minutes a day, four days a week. 73% of the poor did not regularly exercise aerobically
  • 25% of the wealthy visited fast food restaurants three times or more each week. 69% of the poor admitted to eating at fast food restaurants at least three times a week
  • 60% of the poor admitted to getting drunk at least once in the past thirty days compared to only 13% for the wealthy.
  • 66% of the poor were overweight by at least thirty pounds. 79% of the wealthy were not
  • 53% of the poor admitted to having some health issue. Only 18% of the wealthy had health issues

Do you notice the common denominator in these statistics? Habits. Daily habits are driving the obesity rates in America. Poor people have Poverty Habits. They don’t watch what they eat. They eat too much junk food, go to fast food restaurants too frequently and they don’t exercise regularly. Why? Parents are to blame. Parents in poor households unknowingly pass along to their children certain Poverty Habits that cause their children to become obese. Wealthy people, on the other hand, watch what they eat. They limit their consumption of junk food and fast food and they exercise regularly. Wealthy parents pass along certain Rich Habits to their children that encourage healthy living.

What it boils down to is education. Poor parents do not know any better. They are not taught by their parents the good daily health habits that children raised in wealthier homes are taught. worse yet, the next generation is never taught  pass along to the next generation certain Poverty Habits. This generational cycle of poverty will continue until parents or educators teach the Rich Habits to children.


Tip o’ the Morning to Ya – Avoid Victim Thinking

Rich Habits Word of the Day

Ideology – Outlook, beliefs.  Tom did not share the ideology that poverty is permanent and he was, therefore, able to change his circumstances in life.

Rich Habits Fact of the Day

According to Thomas J. Stanley’s book, “The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America’s Wealthy,” only 20% of millionaires inherited their riches. The other 80% are what you’d call nouveau riche: first-generation millionaires who earned their cash on their own. Many millionaires simply worked, saved, and lived within their means to generate their wealth — think accountants and managers: regular people going to work every day. Most millionaires didn’t get their riches overnight when a rich relative died — they worked for the money.

Rich Habit Lesson of the Day

I’ve written about the two schools of thought surrounding poverty. Read here ( There is no questions that, at the margins, poverty can strike randomly. Medical issues are a common denominator that can cause poverty. But for most, medical conditions are self-inflicted (diabetes via obesity, heart disease, lung cancer from smoking).  When you believe you are a victim of poverty it is impossible to break free of it. Victim Thinking is an anchor around your neck that will keep you poor. The fact is, the circumstances that created your poverty are not fixed. Circumstances can be changed. You can end your poverty. It all starts with a thought. The thought is that you no longer desire to be a victim of poverty; that you can change your circumstance. Those who are able to break free of poverty all have one thing in common: Rich Thinking. They change the way they think. They engage in some common techniques: visualization, daily affirmations, proper goal setting, daily self-improvement, sound time management, expanding their means, living below their means and finding mentors. You can find all of these techniques on this blog. They will help you break free of poverty. It all starts with a thought to end your poverty and a belief that you can change your circumstances in life.

Tip o’ the Morning to Ya – Raising Rich Kids

Rich Habits Word of the Day

Preceptor – Mentor, teacher.  Tom saw himself as a preceptor to his children in teaching them the Rich Habits.

Rich Habits Fact of the Day

For Laila Ali, there was no doubt that she had big shoes to fill; after all, her father Muhammad Ali did famously declare himself to be “the greatest.” Baseball great Moises Alou followed in his father Felipe’s, as well as his uncles Jesús’ and Matty’s, footsteps by pursuing professional baseball. Even if it’s only your Little League team, having dear old dad as the coach is something many of us can relate to. Playing alongside your dad, on the other hand, is a different experience altogether. But for Ken Griffey, whose talent was perhaps eclipsed by his longevity as a baseball player, and his son, the young phenom Ken Jr., this strange concept became a reality.  In 1990, the year Ken Jr. won the Rookie of the Year award, father and son, both members of the Seattle Mariners at the time, took the field together in the outfield.

Rich Habit Lesson of the Day

We all want the best for our children. We want them to grow up to be happy and successful in life. But it doesn’t just happen. Kids, left to their own devices, will seek the path of least resistance. They’ll shirk their homework for pretty much anything. It is up to Parents to teach their children how to be happy and successful in life. This requires that they instill in their children certain fundamental good daily success habits. For more about this read here:

Parents need to become mentors to their children. Parenting is all about mentoring. Parenting goes way beyond providing children with the basics (food, shelter and an education). If you want your children to grow up to be happy and successful in life you need to become a mentor to your children. For more on parenting and mentoring read here:


Tip o’ the Morning to Ya – Fear, Procrastination & the Poverty Affect

Rich Habits Word of the Day

Trepidation – Fear. Tom’s trepidation in writing his book ended after the first written word was typed.

Rich Habits Fact of the Day

“Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain”, Ralph Waldo Emerson

Rich Habit Lesson of the Day

Fear holds you back from doing what you need to do and is a major cause of procrastination. Fear is also a negative emotion and negative emotions attract poverty and, thus, prevent you becoming financially successful in life.  So when you procrastinate due to fear, you create a domino affect that I call the Poverty Affect. Making a habit of overcoming procrastination is a Rich Habit that will put an end to this costly negative emotion and will attract wealth into your life.

Dawn Show, Rich Habits Interview #2

How can you convert poor habits into rich habits?  Tom Corley discusses strategies and techniques on the Dawn Show.

Learn about the keys to success and a happy future!

Tip o’ the Morning to Ya – Not Every Thought Should be Spoken

Rich Habits Word of the Day

Circumspection – Cautious. His circumspection in communicating his thoughts was considered by many one of his finest traits.

Rich Habits Fact of the Day

George Washington was a man who was very passionate but tried not to let his passions show. In this sense he was seen as a quiet man.
George Washington was not cocky in an outward sense. He was rarely loud but he had a notorious temper that he constantly tried to keep in check.

Rich Habit Lesson of the Day

Just because you have a thought does not mean it has to come out of your mouth. According to my five-year study on the daily habits of the rich and poor, 69% of the poor acknowledged that they make it a habit to say what’s on their mind. Conversely, 94% of the wealthy do not have this habit. Why such a disparity? The wealthy understand that saying what’s on your mind is a Poverty Habit. It can destroy relationships, negatively affect business and cost you money. If you want to be successful in life you need to watch the words that come out of your mouth.

Tip o’ the Morning to Ya – Baby Step Your Way to Success

Rich Habits Word of the Day

Impulsion – Aim, objective. His impulsion was to help individuals achieve their goals by committing to taking small steps every day.

Rich Habits Fact of the Day

“I always knew I’d be a millionaire by age thirty-two,” said Oprah in 1987. “In fact, I am going to be the richest black woman in America.” 19 years later, with a net worth of $1.4 billion, Oprah has become not only the richest black woman in America, but also one of the richest people in the world. She ranks 235 on the Forbes 400 Richest Americans list and almost 30 million American houses tune in to her show daily to hear her talk about everything from relationship problems to business investments to human rights abuses around the world.

This success has not come by chance. Oprah has made her fortune by setting clear and ambitious goals on both the professional and personal levels. “The big secret in life is that there is no big secret,” she says. “Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.”

According to Oprah, the biggest hurdle people need to overcome in order to be successful is their belief that there are limits to how much they can accomplish. Goals need to be set and set high; expectations need to be limitless; and ambition cannot be restrained. “If you believe you can only go so far, it is an obstacle.”

Rich Habit Lesson of the Day

It is the little things, done every day, that create success in life. Define one big wish for the year and then break it down into achievable goals. Start with an annual goal to move you closer to realizing your wish and then break that annual goal down into monthly goals and then daily goals. Set one daily goal a day and get it done first thing in the morning. That will help you create momentum for the day and build your confidence. Do this every day for just one month and you will be surprised how your confidence will soar and it will help you build momentum for the following month.