Archives for September 2014

The Rich – Poor Visualization Gap


Everyone follows the Law of Visualization whether they realize it or not. When it comes to the rich and poor, however, where they part ways is on what they visualize. Successful, wealthy people visualize future successes, who they want to be and what they want to do and have. They dwell on achieving their goals and realizing their life dreams. Their visualizations are always positive, upbeat and focused on changing their circumstances and creating a future, ideal life. Those who do not succeed in life and struggle financially always dwell on their past mistakes, regret who they have become and focus on their current problems. Their visualizations are always negative and downbeat. They blame everyone but themselves for their circumstances.

The Law of Incremental Improvement


Successful people become rich because they follow the Law of Incremental Improvement. Every day they do certain things that advance them further in achieving their goals, improve their skills and increase their knowledge. Successful people improve themselves bit by bit every day. They become the type of person they need to become to earn greater financial rewards in life. They make self-improvement a daily habit.

The Limitations Confronting Every Person


There are no limitations except self-imposed limitations. Pursuing something you are passionate about: big goal, main purpose or life dream, is empowering. Eventually all of the limiting beliefs that have held you back your whole life will fall to the wayside as you crash through one obstacle after another in pursuit of your goal, purpose or dream. Fears, doubts and other long-held limiting beliefs are no match for a person who has found their passion in life. They will all melt away and be replaced by new positive beliefs that are necessary to realize your goal, purpose or life dream. Obstacles such as working capital needs or limited knowledge/skills are no barrier to a person who has found their passion in life. Such a person will find their working capital, learn what they need to know and develop the skills in order to realize the goal, purpose or life dream they are passionate about. The key to success in life is to pursue something big and meaningful that you are passionate about. That WHY is all you need. The HOW will eventually be revealed to you when you find your WHY.

Clarity Makes Success Achievable


What do you want in life? What job do you want? Where do you want to live? What kind of home do you want to own? How much money do you want to make every year? How much do you want to weigh?

These are questions that require specific answers. A simple definition of success I like to use is this: “Success is pursuing and achieving your goals and dreams in life”.

But success does not just happen. You need to get specific about what it is you want in every aspect of your life. You need to think about what you want, you need to write it down and you need to pursue what you want with a burning desire. Clarity starts the process. Clarity creates the passion. Passion creates the action. Action makes your goals, dreams and wants a reality.

A Simple Strategy Successful, Wealthy People Use to Remember Names

Fed up with forgetting names? It’s downright embarrassing when we forget names of people we know we shouldn’t. It makes us feel stupid, especially when they remember our name. Well don’t feel so bad. In my five-year study of the habits of successful people, I found that they are just like the rest of us. They forget names too. But what makes them different is that successful people use a unique strategy, I uncovered in my research, which allows them to remember anyone’s name, no matter how infrequent they both come into contact with each other. This little tool makes it appear as if those successful people are simply smarter than the average bear. [Read more…]

The Rule of 3


Abraham Lincoln used something called the Rule of 3 to commit important things to memory. It is a very simple rule: Write down anything you want to commit to memory three times. It activates something called the memory loop inside the brain. This memory loop occurs during REM sleep and helps consolidate new information learned the previous day. Give it a try!

The Rule of 3 in Memory Formation

Abraham Lincoln was considered one of the most electric speakers of his day and many of his speeches have gone down in history as among the best of any president. Lincoln, wrote almost all of his own speeches even as president, an incredible accomplishment considering he was embroiled in a Civil War that occupied most of his waking hours. One of the reasons Lincoln was such a prolific speaker has to do with a habit he formed long before he became president. [Read more…]

Success = Simple Principles Applied Daily


“What’s easy to do, is also easy not to do.”  Jim Rohn

Read 30 minutes every day for self education, exercise 20-30 minutes every day, call people on their birthdays, to say hello or upon a life event, spend less than you make and save the rest, drink in moderation, don’t procrastinate, create a to do list and get 70% done every day, associate with other successful-minded people etc. It’s the simple things, when consistently applied, that make success possible. They’re as easy to do as to not do. It’s the easy things, done every day, that make the great things possible.

Quick Decisions


Successful people make their decisions quickly and change their minds slowly. Unsuccessful people make their decisions slowly and change their minds quickly.

What Lucky People Do to Get Rich

Getting rich is about getting lucky. Wealthy people are wealthy because they are lucky. They are lucky because they do certain little things every day to create the opportunity for luck to occur in their lives. [Read more…]