Archives for November 2014

The Best Success Lessons I Learned Came From My Biggest Failure

In 2003 it felt like my entire world was crashing down on me. I had just spent four years with a team of people, fanatically devoted to developing and launching a product that was so unique, if we succeeded it would completely alter the credit card industry. We failed. I was out of a job, with a family to support, a new home and mortgage, my oldest child just starting private high school ($11,000 a year at the time) and most of my savings lost to the failed start up. It never occurred to me we would fail. I was that confident. Now, I was the most terrified I had ever been in my life. I never felt so all alone. And I felt like a complete failure; a loser.

I eventually bounced back but I learned some profound lessons that stick with me to this day. I have been applying these lessons to my author business and they have been largely responsible for helping me become a best selling author. Here’s what I learned: [Read more…]

Live in the Present


Living in the present is a Rich Habit. But it’s not an easy Rich Habit. Life is challenging for everyone. Financial issues, relationship issues, job issues, customer/client issues, family issues and health issues can distract you from the present. If you allow these issues to occupy your mind during family get togethers or other happiness events, you lose that happiness event forever. You need to practice happiness every day. One of the ways you do that is to practice living in the present by not letting all of life’s distractions interfere with happiness events. Live in the moment. Be present during happiness events. Enjoy your family and friends in the moment. Smile and laugh, as if you haven’t a care in the world, when you are in the moment. Eat, drink and be merry, in the moment. Don’t let life’s problems destroy your happiness event. When we are all on our deathbed it will not be life’s problems that occupy our thinking. It will be those happiness events that we will remember. Live in the present today. Today is going to be a great day. Live it.

Outliers Activities


Successful people are outliers. They do certain things every day that 95% of the population simply don’t do. They process into their day specific habits, activities, behaviors and thinking that separate themselves from the herd. These Outlier Activities include:

  • Investing in themselves every day through self-education: reading, listening to audio books, podcasts, webinars etc.
  • Intensely focusing on specific daily activities that move them forward in achieving some big goal, life dream or major purpose
  • Seeking out relationships with other success-minded people and strengthening those relationships through daily communication, periodic networking, mastermind group participation and volunteering
  • Practicing positivity (positive mental outlook) every day by being thankful for what they have or focusing on what they want instead of focusing on what they don’t have, visualization and affirmations
  • Developing and following a scrip of their ideal, future life
  • Developing and honing their skill-sets through constant practice and research
  • Living below their means and expanding their means
  • Living in the present by making happiness a habit

Outlier Parenting

What sets 5% of parents, those who raise their children to excel as adults, apart from the 95% who raise children that struggle financially and are unhappy as adults? [Read more…]

Focus on What You Have and be Thankful


Happy, successful, wealthy people focus on what they have in life, not on what they lack in life. This is positive thinking. People who are unhappy, unsuccessful and struggling financially focus on what they lack and fail to give thanks for what they have. This is negative thinking. Being grateful is positive thinking. Being ungrateful is negative thinking. Positive thinking and negative thinking are daily habits. Being positive crates the mental infrastructure that is required for a happy, successful and rich life. Being negative creates the mental infrastructure for an unhappy, unsuccessful, poor life.

Best Practice Success Strategies To Avoid

The Herd Doctrine is the behavioral instinct to follow others, to be part of a group. It is a well-accepted doctrine in the behavioral scientific community. Human beings have a herd mindset that is simply overpowering. [Read more…]

Never Criticize or Complain Instead Compliment and Be Thankful


EVERYONE has things in their life that could cause them to be critical of others and themselves or cause them to complain about others or their own life. When you criticize or complain, you are pulling yourself into a negative world. If you don’t stop it in its tracks it will eventually become a Poverty Habit that will perpetuate a negative outlook on life. Instead compliment and be thankful for what you do have. This will eventually become a Rich Habit that will create a positive outlook on life.

Lifting Weights Can Lift Your IQ

One saying I used to hear growing up was that weightlifters were meatheads, meaning they were not that smart. I lifted weights throughout college, and the notion that weightlifters were dumb bothered me. I knew I wasn’t dumb and many of the people I worked out with, or met in my gym, were engineers, attorneys, dentists or studying to be. For the past year I’ve been doing research for my next book on good thinking habits. This forced me to delve into the study of the brain. One of those areas is called neurogenesis and deals with the birth of brain cells (neurons). What I found in my research caught me by complete surprise and it’s this: weightlifting actually makes you smarter. So I thought I’d share some of that research as it relates to weightlifting and neurogenesis. [Read more…]

Mistakes Are Wonderful Things


As most of you who follow me know, I’ve spent more than ten years studying the habits of the rich and poor. Which is really a study of the habits of those who succeed and those who do not. Well, I’ve learned quite a few things about success and failure along the way. One of the things I’ve learned from my research, is about mistakes. Here’s my philosophy on mistakes:

Mistakes are wonderful things. I think they are so great, in fact, that I try to make as many as I possibly can. I just make an effort not repeat the mistakes that make life worse and make an effort to embrace the mistakes that make life better. You see, mistakes are never a bad, negative thing. Some mistakes teach you what not to do, and some mistakes inadvertently improve your life and are worth repeating over and over again. So, on this journey, let’s vow to make as many mistakes as possible.

How to Grow Your Relationships


Each week focus on improving the life of just one of your relationships. Devote a portion of one day each week, intensely focusing on helping just one person. The goal is to focus on that one person for that one week. It will deepen the roots to your relationship tree. If you do this each week you will strengthen 52 of your relationships each year, year in and year out.