Archives for November 2014

5 Money Habit Strategies Every Kid Should Learn

Parents who mentor their kids by teaching them good daily success habits, set their kids up to achieve far more than 95% of their peers and go on to achieve great success in life. In my study of the daily habits of the rich and the poor (Rich Habits Study – Background on Methodology I uncovered certain money habit strategies that the wealthy learned from their parents as children: [Read more…]

Limitless Thinking vs. Limited Thinking


Is your mind frozen by ideology, beliefs, your upbringing? Nothing grows on ice. Close minded people never grow, never expand their thinking and are stuck in old beliefs. Successful people are open minded to new ideas, new thinking and new beliefs. They understand that in order to grow into the successful person they long to be, they need to be a sponge to new ideas and new thinking.

Who You Are, Is Not Who You Are


Successful people do not see themselves as they are. They see themselves as who they will be. If you see yourself only as who you are, right now, you are living in a negative world. People who struggle in life, look at themselves as they are now. Successful people live in an optimistic world. They have a different perspective of who they are, because they don’t focus on who they are …. today. They focus on who they will become …. tomorrow.



“Courage is admired so much because it is lacking in so many.” Dr. Ben Carson

The courageous know that they will fail and make mistakes, yet they pursue their dreams and goals anyway. Failure and mistakes cost time and money and results in setbacks and disappointment. Most are unwilling to incur these costs and the emotional roller coaster ride that is part of pursuing a dream or big goal. We admire those who follow their dreams or pursue big goals because it requires taking risks and taking risks requires an enormous amount of courage. We only have one shot at life. Don’t be afraid to pursue a big goal or life dream. Your regrets for not following your dreams will be far worse than the temporary setbacks and disappointments that are part of the process of achieving success.

Succeeders Are Readers


There’s no way around it. If you want to succeed and accumulate wealth you must read. 30 minutes or more of self-education reading each day is all it takes. Basic education equals basic results. Exceptional education equals exceptional results. Daily self-education reading elevates your knowledge base from basic to exceptional. If you want to be great, you have to grow. You can’t grow if you don’t read. Now get out there and read!

Big Goals Require Big Changes


Big goals really represent your main purpose in life or your life dream. They are less goal and more wish. Big goals are transformative. They change you as a person because big goals require enormous growth and force you to stretch yourself. Big goals require that you pick up new skills, new knowledge, meet and associate with new people and do different things. Big goals will often alter your environment. They could very likely force you to change where you live, where you work, who you work with, who you associate with and dislocate you from old friends and old neighbors. The pursuit and achievement of big goals will change everything about your life.

You’ve Only Just Begun – Why Now is the Time to Pursue Your Dreams

There is never a perfect, ideal time to pursue your big goal, major purpose or life dream. In late 2008 I decided to write my book, Rich Habits. I had never written a book before. I knew nothing about the author business. Nothing. But that subconscious voice inside my head kept nudging me to write the book. In fact, one night it persistently woke me up every hour on the hour until my wife kicked me out of the bed. That did not stop the voices inside my head. In fact, they became more persistent. By the end of that night the entire outline of my book, title and all, was downloaded into my head from the great ether, the cloud, whatever you want to call it. That same day I began writing Rich Habits. I couldn’t have picked a worse time to pursue my new entrepreneurial venture; one that would become my main purpose in life. These were some of the issues I was facing in my life, at the time: [Read more…]

You’ve Only Just Begun to Live the Life of Your Dreams


It doesn’t matter if you’re 30 with young kids, two jobs and too much month left over at the end of the money. It doesn’t matter if you’re 50 with college tuition bullets flying at your head. It doesn’t matter if you’re 60, with little to no retirement savings and the thought of working until you die welcoming you every day, with the morning sun.

Pursuing success is about pursuing greatness at any point in your life. It’s about reaching every day for the person you hope to be. The ideal you. No matter what age or current circumstances. It’s never too late to pursue your big goal, major purpose or life dream. Late is when you’re dead. Until then, you’ve only just begun to live the life of your dreams.

Your Vocabulary Speaks Volumes


The average adult knows between 5,000 – 25,000 words. Those at the higher end of the spectrum are highly educated, or perceived to be highly educated. Our vocabulary paints a picture of us to the world. Those with a greater vocabulary are perceived as more intelligent. Since perception matters, it is therefore, in your best interest to increase your “in-use vocabulary” if you want to improve your chances of success in life. In order to increase your vocabulary you must read, identify words that you do not know and then learn their meaning. Here’s a process that I use, every day, to increase my vocabulary:

  • I highlight unfamiliar words in the books I read
  • After I am done reading a book, I transfer the highlighted words to a word binder that I maintain
  • I find the definition or synonym of the new word and write it in my binder
  • Every day, I spend 15 minutes adding to or reading my word binder

I do this day in and day out. It’s now a habit that I engage in daily. It’s no longer a task; it’s a routine. I have no emotions about it, good or bad. I just do it. Increasing your vocabulary will also make you a more effective communicator. Sometimes just the right word is all it takes to get a deal done, to acquire a new customer or client, or to persuade someone to do something you desire. An increased vocabulary helps move you forward in life, inch by inch, towards success.

The Cause of Poverty, the Wealth Gap & Income Inequality – It’s Not What You Might Think

What do Dr. Ben Carson (Famous Neurosurgeon), Andrew Carnegie (US Steel) , Howard Shultz (Starbucks), Oprah Winfrey, George Soros (Currency Trader), Larry Ellison (Oracle CEO), Jim Carrey, Chris Gardner (Pursuit of Happiness), Charlie Chaplin, Ursula Burns (CEO Xerox), JK Rowling (Harry Potter) and many, many others like them have in common? [Read more…]