Archives for July 2015

What’s Your Weekly 5?


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What are your 5 top priorities for the week? What 5 tasks this week will move your forward toward achieving your goals. List the 5 things that, if accomplished this week, will get you closer to realizing your dreams and wishes. Then pursue each one until completed. Success is a process. The process requires action. What action will you be taking this week that will make you help you grow into the person you need to be in order for success to visit you? Success does not just happen. It doesn’t just manifest itself. You must make it happen. What’s your Weekly 5?


What Should I Know?

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Knowledge and learning are the foundation and springboard for success. It’s impossible to know everything, to be a know-it-all. Therefore, you must focus your study on specific areas that will create the greatest return for the time you invest in your learning. Let’s touch on these key areas:

  1. Learn everything about your job and the industry you are in.
  2. Learn everything about the things you are passionate about in life.
  3. Learn everything about the people who are important in your life.
  4. Learn everything about significant current events.
  5. Learn at least one new fact every day.
  6. Learn at least one new word every day.
  7. Learn about one novel thing every month, something outside your comfort zone, that will challenge your thinking.

Process learning every day. Spend at least 30 minutes a day devoted to learning. Learning causes you to grow. Growth is a prerequisite for success in life.

Time is the Only Real Currency

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Success is mostly about one thing – time. The accumulation of money is a byproduct of effectively utilizing the limited time we all have. Most millionaires, 76% in my study and between 80-87% in other studies, are self-made millionaires. They achieve success without having much money to invest. So their only real resource is time. They invest their time upfront, hoping they will succeed, hoping the time they invest will pay dividends down the road for them and for their family. So time is the only real investment.

When you start your day today I want you to ask yourself if you are utilizing your time wisely. Are you investing in your future success? Are you working for your success or for someone else’s success? Time is the only real currency. Nothing is more valuable. Invest your time wisely.



Are You Operating at 100% of Your Potential?

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You’re preparing tax returns, you’re stocking shelves, you’re painting a house, you’re seeing patients, you’re cleaning houses, you’re working at whatever job that provides for your family. How much of that time do you actually feel you are operating at maximum potential? If you feel that you are hitting it out of the park every day, you are operating at 100% of your potential. You dig what you’re doing. You love your job. And it shows up in your pay check, which is probably significant. Consider yourself blessed. You’re one of 7%.

However, if you’re like most, your mind is often elsewhere. Usually, it’s thinking about what you’d like to be doing if you weren’t doing what you’re doing at the moment. I’ve got some good research on this and the numbers are staggering. Close to 96% of those who do not make much money, don’t like what they are doing for a living. 96%! You don’t like what you’re doing for a living because you’re not living up to your potential. Your potential utilization is far below 100%.

Those who at least like what they’re doing for a living utilize much more of their potential than the average Joe. Those who love what they are doing for a living have a 100% potential utilization rate. The closer you get to that 100%, the more you love what you do, the happier you and everyone in your family is, the more money you make and the wealthier you become. You simply cannot become rich, long-term rich, if you do not at least like what you do for a living.

If you want to be happy and successful in life, you need to get as close as possible to that 100% potential utilization rate. If you’re not even close, you are never going to achieve much in life. Life is short. You were meant to live up to your potential. Are you? What’s your potential utilization? If the answer is “much less than 100%”, then you’re in the wrong line of work and you will never realize financial success or true happiness in life.



Powerful Money Habits for Millennials

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According to various studies, the first crop of Millennials (those born between 1982 and 2004) who have entered the workforce are ahead of the curve when it comes to savings and spending than that of their parents. A 2014 Transamerica study found that 70 percent of Millennials in the work force were already saving for retirement either through employer-sponsored plans, such as 401(k)s or similar plans and they also found that these Millennials began saving at the unprecedented age of 22. According to the Financial Trade-Offs study, commissioned by Ameriprise Financial, Millennials are significantly more likely than both Boomers and Gen Xers to be consciously cutting back on discretionary expenses.

This is good news and a good trend if it continues. To ensure that it does continue I’d like to share some powerful money habits I uncovered in my five-year study on the daily habits of wealthy individuals. These money habits were instrumental in helping transform 177 ordinary individuals into self-made millionaires. [Read more…]

Your Philosophical Beliefs May be Holding You Back in Life

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Each one of us has inherited from our parents, environment and our upbringing certain philosophical beliefs that direct our behavior, thinking and the choices we make in life. When these philosophical beliefs close your mind to new ideas, new knowledge and new ways of thinking, they become a Poverty Habit. They inhibit your ability to grow as an individual. One way to tell if your philosophical beliefs are preventing you from growing as an individual is your reaction to new information or new discoveries. If your knee-jerk reaction is to immediately dismiss any new information as erroneous, than you have a closed-minded Poverty Habit.

One of the hallmarks of self-made millionaires is the ability to be open-minded to new ideas, new knowledge and new ways of thinking. The ability to cast aside your philosophical beliefs, allows you to expand your thinking, to grow and to evolve.

Do not let your philosophical beliefs stunt your growth as an individual. Opening your mind to new information is a key to change and growth. When your philosophical beliefs prevent change and growth, they become Poverty Habits that will hold you back in life and prevent you from becoming the person you need to be in order for success to be achieved in life. Being open-minded requires practice. It needs to become a daily habit. Don’t allow your philosophical beliefs to hold you back in life.



10 Money Habits That Help You Achieve Financial Success

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Financial success can be achieved in one of three ways:

#1 Living Below Your Means – Spending less than your net income.

#2 Expanding Your Means – Creating multiple sources of income: second job, starting a side business or converting something you are passionate about into an additional source of income.

#3 Living Below Your Means and Expanding Your Means

Living below your means is foolproof but does take more time to accumulate wealth. There are a number of ways to process financial success within this category:

  1. Budget Spending – Knowing where your money is going gives you control over your finances. You may find you are paying for things you are not using, such as club memberships and subscriptions.
  2. Automate Savings – Automate withdrawals from your net pay that fund retirement and savings. This should be part of your Spending Budget and ensures you will “pay yourself first”.
  3. Periodically Audit Expenses – Many expenses can change over time. Insurance costs often change. They can go up or down over time. Make sure you are paying the lowest insurance rates for homeowners, auto and life insurance. Cable and Internet costs can increase without you being aware of it. Calling your cable or Internet provider to secure the lowest fees available should be an annual process. Periodically shop cell phone plans. Increased competition in the cell phone industry is driving down monthly rates. Make sure you are not paying more than you have to.
  4. Purchase Quality Used Cars – New cars lose value as soon as they come off the lot. Buying good quality used cars allows you to take advantage of this loss in value anomaly prevalent in the auto industry.
  5. Invest Savings in Tax-Advantaged Investments – There are now many investments that allow you to defer income taxes while you are accumulating savings. Cash Surrender Value, stocks, variable annuities and money invested in IRA’s and 401 (k) plans grow tax-deferred.
  6. Refinance Your Mortgage and Home Equity Loans – Are you paying the lowest rate possible on your mortgage? Do you have a home equity loan with a high rate of interest?
  7. Use Coupons – Even the wealthy in my study engaged in this money savings habit. Why pay more than you have to on groceries or other expenses?
  8. Shop at Goodwill Stores – Many goodwill stores carry high quality clothing. You may have to spend a few extra bucks on tailoring, but it is well worth the additional cost.
  9. Downsize Your Home – For most, a home is the most expensive part of the spending budget. Downsizing into a less expensive home will save you thousands of dollars in interest, taxes and repairs every year.
  10. Bargain Shop – Far too many make spontaneous purchases, paying much more than they otherwise would. Shopping for bargains and taking advantage of sales events is a smart money habit.


The Simplicity of Success

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Over the past 3 plus years I’ve shared my Rich Habits research with tens of millions of people around the world, thanks to the media, podcasts and blogs. In these interviews I am always asked the same question: “What’s the #1 factor in becoming a millionaire?”

My answer is always the same: “Your daily habits are why you are rich, poor or stuck in the middle-class.”

It’s the little things you do day in and day out. It’s never any massive, explosive eureka-type event or activity that, like Cinderella, magically transforms you into a self-made millionaire. While this is not what most want to hear, I think it’s actually good news for those struggling in life financially. You see, because success is about doing certain little things every day, that means the difference between being rich and poor is incremental. It’s about making little changes in your life, not massive ones. Success doesn’t require that you climb Mount Everest, or invent the next Facebook, get a PhD or take some enormous risk, putting it all on the line in the pursuit of wealth. It requires small changes that, on a daily basis, seem inconsequential. But those inconsequential daily activities build up over time and eventually create an avalanche of success. There are only a few daily habits that separate the rich from the poor. Most people simply don’t understand that there is a real simplicity to success if you pursue it every day.




The 50% Rule

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One of the many common threads I found in my study of self-made millionaires is the habit of taking calculated risks. Risk is often associated with some financial investment. But taking financial risk is only one type of risk. There is another very important risk that self-made millionaires take more often than financial risk. It is decision risk. Decision risk involves making decisions that often have consequences which affect your business or investment. Decision risk is overshadowed by financial risk because it is a less glamorous cousin in the risk family. But this risk is actually what makes or breaks self-made millionaires. And these millionaires very much understand that decision risk is far more important than financial risk. One bad decision could set them back.

Interestingly, however, despite the import of decision risk, self-made millionaires make decisions very quickly, once they’ve weighed all of the options. They don’t sit and ponder. They subscribe to something I’ve come to call the “50% Rule”. With any decision, there will be variables you cannot possibly control. These variables could positively or negatively impact your business or investment. Millionaires take the view that 50% of the time, no matter how much a decision is evaluated, they will be right or wrong about a decision. When they are right, the pay off is significant. If they wait on a decision, it doesn’t change the fact that 50% of the time they will be wrong. Armed with that knowledge, self-made millionaires act quickly and decide. Their confidence in their decision-making and their ability to  recover from a bad decision, drives them to act quickly. Self-made millionaires understand there are things they can control and can’t control. Quick decision-making is something they can control.





The Most Powerful Gene

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Every human being is born with a gene that is responsible for space flight, computer technology, the Mona Lisa, the Eiffel Tower, the Beatles, the iPhone, the cures for small pox and polio and every amazing scientific achievement. It’s the gene for creativity. We all have been blessed with this amazing creativity gene. It’s inherent in our DNA.

When “turned on” through use, it grows stronger, just like a muscle. Putting this creativity gene to use causes a rise in serotonin and dopamine levels, also known as the happiness neurotransmitters. When we engage in creative pursuits, our levels of these happiness neurotransmitters rises, causing the sensation we have come to call happiness.

Many people, however, never turn their happiness gene on. As a result, these same individuals live lives of quiet desperation, as Henry David Thoreau aptly put it so many years ago. When you make a habit of avoiding the use of our most powerful gene, you put yourself in a box. A box that separates you from living a happy life.

We are all hardwired to create. It’s in our DNA. We are rewarded for utilizing our creativity gene with happiness. But the only way to turn this gene on is to engage in creative activities on a daily basis. You need to make creativity a daily habit. The more you pursue creative activities the more powerful this gene becomes and the happier you will be. If you want to get happy, create. It’s what humans were genetically intended to do.