Archives for January 2019

Unleash Your Inner Mark Twain


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“The successful person recognizes his God-given talent, works hard to develop that talent into skill and uses those skills to achieve his goals.”

—- Larry Bird, professional Hall of Fame basketball player.

Mark Twain is most famous for writing The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

But, long before he wrote his first book, Mark Twain was already famous throughout the world because he had one innate talent that he discovered purely by accident.

It happened unexpectedly one night at a public dinner organized by some printers to celebrate the founding of the typesetter. Mark Twain, at the time just twenty years old, had been one of the many typesetters invited to the dinner. Public dinners, back in the 19th century, were often followed by speeches.

Well, after the dinner plates were cleared, one by one, various speakers stood up and delivered their remarks. After the last speaker concluded his speech, one of Mark Twain’s typesetter friends called out for him to speak. Twain was unprepared, but nonetheless made his way to the dais and spoke, off the cuff and without any notes.

His native performance was so exceptional, he received an ovation from the crowd who had attended the dinner.

By accident, Mark Twain had discovered that he had an innate talent for speaking; specifically, for storytelling.

It wouldn’t be long before Mark Twain would fill halls with people from from San Francisco to New York City, who came to hear Mark Twain tell his stories.

We all have some innate talents or God-given gifts. These gifts, however, remain dormant until we expose them to the light of day. We do this through experimentation – engaging in diverse activities until we find an activity that we are just naturally better at than others.

Mark Twain’s was speaking and telling stories.

Mark Twain would spend the rest of his life, some 50 years, speaking and telling stories to halls around the world. His gift brought him fame and fortune.

When you find an innate, God given talent, you must exploit it by throwing yourself into it, as Mark Twain did.

“The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you figure out why.” — Mark Twain.

The Power of Wanting


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Gratitude is recognizing all of the good in your life. Making gratitude a daily habit is a good thing because gratitude is the gateway to a positive mental outlook.

Having a positive outlook on life is critical to success because positivity expands your thinking, enabling you to see solutions to your problems, while negativity narrows your thinking, making problem-solving difficult, if not impossible.

Wanting is the desire to be, do or have something you don’t currently have. Wanting creates an itch that must be scratched. It stirs the passions deep inside of you, and can become a fuel for change.

When your wants are good, then wanting can be a catalyst that forces you to change. And change is how you transform yourself into the ideal, future version of yourself – successful and happy.

Wanting to become more expert in your skills, is good.

Wanting to become more knowledgable in your career or profession, is good.

Wanting to accumulate more wealth by saving more then you spend, or by becoming a Virtuoso in what you do, or by pursuing a dream, is good.

Wanting to forge relationships with other positive, success-minded people, is good.

The problem with wanting is in wanting the wrong things.

Wanting becomes bad when the things you want are meaningless, adding no real value to your life – an expensive car, a boat, a Rolex watch, a lifestyle of the rich and famous – these are all bad wants.

Having more stuff will not make you happy and will do nothing to help you change in a positive direction.

Wanting is good when it is used to force positive change in yourself or in the lives of others.

Without wanting, Dr. Carson, a poor child raised in the ghettoes of Detroit, would never become a brain surgeon and would never have run for President of the United States.

Without wanting, NASA would never have beaten the Russians in sending a man to the moon.

Without wanting, Henry Ford would not have created the first massed-produced automobile.

Without wanting, Thomas Edison would not have created the incandescent lightbulb.

Without wanting, Jonas Salk would have never found a cure for polio.

Wanting, when directed towards positive change, is a good thing.

And you should be grateful every day, that wanting has been hardwired into your DNA.

It is up to use to use your powers of wanting in a positive way.

That’s what successful people do!

CNBC – 5 Money Mistakes That Keep You From Getting Rich

5 money mistakes that keep you from getting rich

  • We all make errors, yet there are a few money mistakes the super-rich generally don’t make.
  • One of them is they don’t follow the pack — whether it’s a fad investment or panicking during a market sell-off, according to author Tom Corley.
  • They also seek expert advice and look beyond the stock market for investments.

Michelle Fox | @MFoxCNBC

January 14, 2019

The rich – they’re just like us, right?

Well, not exactly.

If you analyze the habits of wealthy people, some trends begin to emerge. First, they don’t follow the pack — whether it’s a fad investment or panicking during a market sell-off, according to Tom Corley, an author who has studied self-made millionaires.

Second, they work at work at becoming successful every day. And it doesn’t have to take hours of their time.

Where the ultra-rich invest during a volatile market   7:30 AM ET Sun, 18 Nov 2018 | 03:13

Corley, who has written a number of books, including “Rich Habits,” likened the wealthy to trees, which tend to grow slowly.

“Every day, they do certain things that help them to change into the individuals they need to become in order for success to visit them,” he told CNBC. “This change is not noticeable from day to day, month to month or even year to year. But after many years, the change is obvious.”

Daily habits could include increasing your knowledge by going to school, attending seminars and picking the brains of mentors. You can also develop and perfect your skills by practicing them, as well as cultivating relationships with successful people.

Berkshire Hathaway Chairman and CEO Warren Buffett, also known as America’s billionaire next door, has said the best thing people can do is develop their own talents. “The greatest asset to own is your own abilities,” he has told CNBC.

And, while we all make mistakes — there are a few that the super-rich generally don’t make.

Errors cost money, and while wealthy may have a lot of that — they certainly don’t want to lose it.

Here are five money mistakes that may be keeping you from getting rich.

  1. Doing it yourself

Hero Images | Hero Images | Getty Images

When the stock market drops — as we saw in December, when major indexes all dropped at least 8.7 percent — you have to know what you are doing or you can get burned. If you don’t have time to spend a few hours a day tracking the market, the cost of a good financial advisor is well worth the investment.

Ivory Johnson, founder of Delancy Wealth Management in Washington, D.C., said most wealthy people don’t try to manage their money themselves — they hire financial planners, CPAs and attorneys to protect their assets and reduce their risks.

And when are risks the highest? When markets start taking investors on a roller-coaster ride.

“When investors are stressed, the odds of making a bad decision increase,” he said. “Wealthy people mitigate that stress by having good advisors.”

While some may balk at paying a fee, the returns on that money will, most years, be well above that amount. During the bad years, your advisor can help you mitigate your loses to preserve your wealth for the long haul.

  1. Not diversifying

Jeffrey Basinger | Reuters

A beachfront residence is seen in East Hampton, New York.

The average investor may have stocks and bonds in their 401(k) savings or investment portfolio. The rich branch out and diversify.

Remember Enron? Many employees of the energy giant bought into the company’s sales pitch so much that they put all of their retirement savings in its stock. And when the firm went belly up — so did all of their savings.

In addition to stocks and bonds, the ultra-wealthy invest in things such as real estate, limited partnerships and private markets, Corley said. That way, if stocks, for example, are having a really bad year, you may make up the difference with a good year in real estate or vice versa.

Another appealing factor that draws a lot of wealthy investors to real estate: It may provide an extra income stream. In addition to the potential appreciation of that property, if you rent it out — that’s an immediate source of income, which can give you a nice cushion should you lose your primary job.

And of course, you won’t be as worried in a year when stocks are down.

“Most wealthy families have real estate holdings because it offers recurring revenue, tax benefits and creates equity,” Johnson said. “It also puts less pressure on their stock portfolios to perform.”

  1. Fad investing

Artur Widak | NurPhoto | Getty Images

A woman passes in front of a Bitcoin exchange shop.

The ultra-wealthy don’t get caught up in the latest fads, pouncing on the next “new” thing.

Take bitcoin, for example. The cryptocurrency took off in 2017, making instant millionaires out of some early investors. That spurred a lot of people to jump in and try their hand at making a fortune.

That could be fine – if you’re a professional trader or just want to play around with a little gambling money. Yet fads like bitcoin are risky business: The cryptocurrency has since fallen a stomach-churning 70 percent in the past year.

Buffett, who’s famous for his philosophy of investing in what he knows and then holding on to it for the long haul, told CNBC last year that “in terms of cryptocurrencies, generally, I can say with almost certainty that they will come to a bad ending.”

The legendary investor, who is worth $80 billion, according to Forbes, believes you have to know what you know — and stay the course.

“What counts is having a philosophy … that you stick with, that you understand why you’re in it, and then you forget about doing things that you don’t know how to do,” Buffett said at the Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting in 2018.

Those who are caught up in the “follow the herd” mentality may do so because they are focusing on “one thing they think can make them rich overnight,” said Ivory at Delancy Wealth Management. “It doesn’t work.”

  1. Lack of a long-term plan

Charles Platiau | Reuters

Visitors look at the painting “Le Printemps”, 1881, by French painter Edouard Manet during its presentation at Christie’s Auction House in Paris October 22, 2014.

Wealthy investors are patient and don’t necessarily think about short-term returns.

“Most people don’t sit down and actually plan out how they are going to invest their savings over the next 20 years,” Corey said. “The wealthy do. They just don’t wing it.”

And it’s not just about making money for themselves, it’s about creating generational wealth that can benefit their grandchildren and beyond.

“Instead of buying a painting for the living room, they’ll spend extra money for art that can appreciate,” Ivory added. “They join clubs and organizations so the relationships they make will offset the fees, even if they don’t realize it for several years.

“This demands foresight, estate planning and patience.”

  1. Panicking

Brendan McDermid | Reuters

The volatile stock market may want to make you run for cover. Because the rich are in it for the long term, they don’t tend to panic.

They also have a lot of liquidity and financial resources they can lean on when the stock market, real estate market or other investments go south, so they don’t “need” to sell, Corley said.

For Johnson, it’s also about the world giving us what we give out.

“Anxious investors receive anxiety, and confrontational people are always engaged in some form of conflict,” he said. Meanwhile, optimistic people experience more positive outcomes.

“Over a lifetime, this becomes a habit and you’ll often find that wealthy people who are happy got that way because they were optimistic, as opposed to becoming optimistic because they got wealthy,” Ivory said.

Gout Habits


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About a month ago, the knuckle on my big right toe began to hurt. Since I run every day, I assumed it was just my body telling me to take a day or two off from running. Which is exactly what I did.

But the pain continued.

For the next two weeks, I ran while in pain. When I was done running, the pain increased and I found myself limping through my day. I decided to lay off the running for a while and jumped on my StairMaster, in order to eliminate the impact on my foot, with the hope the toe would get better.

It didn’t. In fact, it got worse.

Then a few days ago, my brain told me, “buy cranberry juice.”

I always pay attention to my inner voice because I know, from my many years of studying the brain, that, behind the scenes, the subconscious is constantly at work and, through intuition, guides you in solving your problems.

So, I went out at lunch and bought a bottle of cranberry juice. When I got home I drank a glass along with my dinner. Later that night, my inner voice said, “drink more cranberry juice.” So, I did.

In fact, over the next three days, I drank all of the cranberry juice. When I woke up on the fourth day, the pain in my toe was almost completely gone.

“Why?” I asked myself.

I Googled “what causes pain in the big toe?” and Google returned a number of items, one of which was gout.

“Gout!” I exclaimed out loud to my inner self.

At age 57, I had my first mild bout with gout.

Interestingly, cranberry juice is one of the things that is very effective in reducing the uric acid that builds up in the joints of the feet, causing the condition known as gout.

“The subconscious is all powerful”, I thought to myself.

Well, I’ve since been completely absorbed in understanding everything there is to know about gout and found out that your eating and drinking habits are to blame.

It dawned on me that since Thanksgiving and through the Christmas holidays, I’d been eating food I normally don’t eat. Namely, steak. I also drank more beer and wine during the holidays, than I normally drink.

At age 57, my rain barrel had overflowed. And from that overflow, gout resulted.

So, I thought this was a good teachable moment and decided to share what I’ve learned about this painful annoyance, in the hopes it might spare some of my readers from the pain of gout.

What Food/Drinks Cause Gout?

  • Red meat
  • Organ meats
  • Seafood
  • Alcohol, particularly beer
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages

What Foods/Drinks Reverse or Prevent Gout?

  • Cheery juice
  • Cranberry juice
  • Fruits, in general
  • Vegetables
  • Legumes (i.e. peanuts)
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains
  • Eggs
  • Coffee/Tea
  • Herbs/Spices
  • Vitamin C supplements

Cranberry and cherry juice, I learned, are very effective in eliminating the uric acid build up in the joints of the feet.

At lunch, I went out and bought more cranberry juice and a bottle of tart cherry juice. I will now make drinking both juices a daily habit.

Your habits create the circumstances of your life. And, bad Gout Habits, I learned, create gout.

Is There One Overriding Secret to Success?


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Is There One Overriding Secret to Success?

I’ve spent the better part of 14 years interviewing/studying rich people and poor people. As a result, I’ve accumulated an enormous amount of research data. I’ve shared a good amount of my research with tens of millions around the globe, thanks to my friends in the media and my Rich Habits devotees.

One question I am constantly asked by those familiar with my books and research is this:

Did you find one overriding secret to becoming rich?

The answer is most definitely, YES!

There was one singular thing that I discovered which was most responsible for transforming the poor or middle-class into multi-millionaires. And this one thing transcended all of the best advice from the wisest purveyors of self-help.

What is this one thing?

Having a clear vision of who you want to be twenty years from now.

The self-made millionaires in my Rich Habits Study had a clear vision of the desired future version of themselves.

Why is having a clear vision so important?

Having a clear vision of who you want to be in the future is the springboard which forces you to change from who you are, to who you want to be. This clear vision sets in motion powerful forces, which transforms you into the person you need to be in order to realize success and its byproduct, wealth.

A Clear Vision Ignites Passion

A clear vision acts like a match to paper, igniting the fires of passion, stimulating you to take action. That action then further feeds the fires of passion.

When you light the fires of passion, work ceases to be work. It changes from drudgery to pleasure. And your mindset shifts from negative to positive, a critical success trait. Your life seems to take on new meaning.

Having a clear vision has another domino effect, triggering other powerful forces, such as revealing your inner talents.

A Clear Vision Exposes Inner Talents

We all have innate talents, or things that come easier to us than others. Unfortunately, most never discover their innate talents because they lack a clear vision of who they want to be and, as a result, the drive, motivation or passion to experiment with new activities, is hard to find.

There is a little-known energy source that lies dormant inside each one of us, until we arouse it. This energy source is your emotions.

When you discover an innate talent, you amp up the emotional centers of the brain, which then fuel all of your energy needs while perfecting your talent. This emotional energy enables you to practice for many hours without feeling tired or losing energy.

A Clear Vision Helps Define the Right Goals

A goal can be good or bad. Good goals help move you forward toward the realization of your vision. Bad goals don’t move you forward and are, in fact, time wasters. When you have a clear vision, you are able to see and separate good goals from bad goals.

Again, like a set of dominoes, those good goals then lead to the creation of daily habits which help you in the accomplishment of those goals.

A Clear Vision Forces the Adoption of Success Habits

Your daily habits are the construction crew that helps you construct your ideal, future life. When you have a clear vision, you will forge daily habits which will help move you toward the realization of your vision.

A Clear Vision Attracts Power Relationships

Power Relationships are relationships with influencers who can assist you in realizing your vision. These Power Relationships will be successful and often wealthy people whose inner circle can open up doors with one phone call.

No one succeeds in a vacuum. You need others who can help you become who you want to be. A clear vision attracts Power Relationships to you, like a magnet.

A Clear Vision Transforms Ordinary Individuals Into Virtuosos

A Virtuoso is anyone who has unique, advanced skills and knowledge. Society will pay Virtuosos a premium for their product or service, because they perceive Virtuosos as more valuable.

Once again, like a set of dominoes, the growth habits a clear vision births, enables you to become a virtuoso once you adopt those habits.

Growth habits are daily routines, such as reading to learn, deliberate practice and analytical practice. A clear vision forces you to do things on a daily basis which eventually transforms you into a virtuoso.

A Clear Vision Creates an Explosive Work Ethic

When you have a clear vision, you become passionate about the work you do which, you believe, will help you realize your vision. This passion triggers unrelenting persistence, as you march forward to creating the future you.

To the independent observer, this unrelenting persistence is seen as nothing more than a hard work ethic. But, a hard work ethic, so common among successful, wealthy people, is, itself, nothing more than an unrelenting persistence fueled by passion.

Becoming rich is a process. When you have a clear vision of who you want to be, that process reveals itself. Your vision acts like a GPS, guiding you along the correct path – the path that leads to mastery, success and wealth.

Are you The Pilot of Your Life or Just a Passenger? | Rich Habits Poor Habits Podcast

There is plenty of evidence that what we find most stressful as humans is uncertainty, not change in itself.

Why do some people seem to sail gently through all the changes life throws at them, while others get upset if they have to change even their breakfast cereal? The key is in how you view change, and your level of acceptance, uncertainty and resilience.

In Tom Corley’s five-year Rich Habits study of 233 rich people and 128 poor people he discovered that we adopt the beliefs of our parents, family, mentors, culture, and environment.

There are two opposing schools of thought that divide mankind.

  • School of Thought #1: Self-Determination Drives Life Circumstances
  • School of Thought #2: Predetermination Drives Life Circumstances

Those who subscribe to School of Thought #1:

  • Believe we are in control of our life circumstances.
  • There is no one out there, no higher power, watching over us, guiding us.
  • Those in this school believe success, wealth, failure and poverty are manufactured.
  • We turn left or right, decide A or B, or do X or Y as a matter of free will, instinct or internal guidance.
  • In other words, the circumstances of our lives are dictated by our own decisions, our own behaviors and the choices that we make.
  • We, in effect, create our own destiny.

Those who subscribe to School of Thought #2:

  • Believe we are not in control of our life circumstances.
  • Some higher power is watching over us, determining the circumstances of our lives.
  • Those in this school believe success, wealth, failure and poverty are outside our control.
  • We turn left or right, decide A or B, or do X or Y because some force of nature acts upon us, directing us in every aspect of our lives.

In other words, the circumstances of our lives are not determined by us, but by external factors we cannot possibly control.

We, in effect, are powerless over the course of our lives.

When you subscribe to School of Thought #1 you embrace the concept that you are in control of your destiny; that you have power over the course of your life.

As a result, you develop a mindset of self-reliance.

Through hard work and personal initiative, you seek to create the life you desire.

You pursue lifelong self-education, take calculated risks, seek feedback from others and carefully weigh every decision you make.

You search for mentors to help you forge good habits that put you on the right path.

When you subscribe to School of Thought #2 you embrace the concept that your destiny is predetermined; that you are powerless over the course of your life.

As a result, you feel you are not in control of your life.

You are a mere victim of the luck of the draw.

Because you feel you are not in control of your life, you do very little to affect the circumstances of your life.

You float along in life like a leaf on a fall day, carried by the wind.

Which are you

Something to think about.

Links and Resources:

Michael Yardney


Rich Habits Poor Habits

Tom Corley

Some of our favourite quotes from the show:

“You have a future waiting for you and the future is determined by your habits, the way you think, therefore the actions you take, and therefore the results that you’re going to get.” – Michael Yardney

“We are where we are today in all areas of our life, whether it’s financial, whether it’s relationships, whether it’s health, diet, because of all the decisions we’ve chosen to make, and the decisions we’ve chosen not to make.” – Michael Yardney

“The question is, are you an actor in this story that’s in your mind, or are you the storyteller whose actually got the right to be able to change the story?” – Michael Yardney


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Find a Shoulder to Climb On


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Sixteenth century astronomer Galileo Galilei, the first astronomer to use a telescope, changed astronomy forever. He used the telescope to help prove the earth revolved around the sun, a radical theory proposed by 15th century astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus.

Sir Isaac Newton helped shape our understanding of how the sun, planets and moons were held in place by a mysterious force known as gravity. Newton advanced his theory of gravity and motion thanks to Galileo and Copernicus.

Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity helped explain how space and time were linked for objects that are moving at a consistent speed in a straight line, changing forever, our understanding of the universe and its solar systems. James Maxwell, who advanced a Proto-Theory of Relativity, made Einstein’s discovery possible.

Almost every successful person stands on the shoulders of other successful people.

We all need others to help us succeed in life.

Finding successful people to help guide you in life, increases the odds of success and smooths out the journey. Their wisdom and guidance helps you succeed by minimizing mistakes, anticipating problems and overcoming obstacles. Their connections open doors that are otherwise closed. Their success habits can become a template upon which you build your individual success habits.

Successful people are more than happy to help others succeed because they understand one of the biggest secrets to success – climbing on the shoulders of other successful people.

So, find a successful person, whose shoulders you can climb on. It will dramatically increase your chances of success.

7 Pillars of Happiness


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The study of the rich and the poor has led me down many rabbit holes. One very important rabbit hole was habits, which I am now certain dictates the circumstances of our lives.

But another important rabbit hole I ventured down, is something that every human seeks – happiness.

I’ve identified seven pillars of happiness. These represent seven core things that create happiness:

  1. Rich Relationships – Who you surround yourself with dictates your happiness. If you surround yourself with too many negative, toxic, unhappy people they will infect you with their negativity and cause you great unhappiness. If you surround yourself with many positive, upbeat, optimistic, happy people they too will infect you with their positivity and cause you to be happy.
  2. Pursue Your Dreams and Goals – When you put your ladder on someone else’s wall, you are essentially following someone else’s dreams and goals. Because they are not your dreams and your goals, eventually you will become bored or despondent with your life. When you follow your dreams and goals, however, that is where happiness lies. You need to pursue those things in life that make your heart sing.
  3. Service to Others – When you give of yourself for the benefit of others, happiness results. This is why volunteering is so important – it makes you feel happy and fulfilled.
  4. Good Health – When your health is poor, it creates great unhappiness. This is why it is so important to exercise every day and eat healthy food. When you pursue a lifestyle which benefits your health, happiness follows.
  5. Financial Security – When you are unable to pay your bills or struggle financially, this creates unhappiness. When your wealth produces enough income to maintain your standard of living until you die, you eliminate the vast majority of your problems in life. Not having to worry about money, creates happiness.
  6. Happy Family and Friends – When any of your family or friends is struggling in life, this makes you unhappy. As someone once told me – you are only as happy as your unhappiest child. When those around you are happy about their lives, that makes you happy.
  7. Enjoy What You Do For a Living – When you hate your job, you are unhappy. When you love your job, you are happy. Doing work that you enjoy creates happiness.

Proof Habits Control Your Life


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Most people are not aware how much of their lives are dominated by habits. Habits literally control your life. Here’s a list of habits I’ve compiled over the years. This should open up your eyes:

  • Family-Related Habits
  • Friend-Related Habits
  • Culture-Related Habits
  • Neighborhood-Related Habits
  • Morning Habits
  • Afternoon Habits
  • Evening Habits
  • Bedtime Habits
  • Weekend Habits
  • Vacation Habits
  • Work Habits
  • Airport Habits
  • Bedroom Habits
  • Commuting Habits
  • Sleeping Habits
  • How Much You Eat Habit
  • Exercise Habits
  • Sports Preference Habits
  • Alcohol Preference Habits
  • Talking Habits
  • Listening Habits
  • Recreational/Leisure Habits
  • Smoking Habits
  • Emotional Response Habits
  • Networking Habits
  • Clothing Habits
  • Getting Dressed Habits
  • Getting Undressed Habits
  • Phone Habits
  • Returning Phone Calls Habit
  • Returning Emails Habit
  • Internet Habits
  • Social Media Habits
  • Texting Habits
  • Driving Habits
  • Porn Habits
  • Sex Habits
  • Email Checking Habits
  • Checking the Phone Habits
  • Shaving Habits
  • Cooking Habits
  • Food Preference Habits
  • Beverage Preference Habits
  • Conflict/Argument/Fighting Habits
  • Cooking Habits
  • TV Habits
  • Reading Habits
  • Cursing Habit
  • Spitting Habit
  • Sarcasm Habit
  • Chewing Tobacco Habit
  • Cigar Habits
  • Pot Habit
  • Drug Habits
  • Bar Preference Habits
  • Holiday Habits
  • Day of the Week Habits
  • Spring Habits
  • Summer Habits
  • Fall Habits
  • Winter Habits
  • Introducing Yourself Habit
  • Cold/Flu Response Habits
  • Homemaking Habits
  • Decoration Habits
  • Brushing Your Teeth Habit
  • Brushing Your Hair Habit
  • Going to the Bathroom Habits
  • Boredom Habits
  • Pre-Habit Habits – The Habitual Things You Do Just Prior To Engaging In a Habit
  • Writing Habits
  • Penmanship Habits
  • Words You Use Habits
  • Accent Habits
  • Sneezing Habits
  • Signature Habit
  • Typing Habits
  • Daydreaming Habit
  • Singing Habit
  • Humming Habit
  • Hucking Habit
  • Blowing Your Nose Habit
  • Cracking Your Knuckles Habit
  • Music Preference Habits
  • Bad Health Habits
  • How You Deal With Risk Habits
  • Unhealthy Food Eating/Junk Food Habits
  • Healthy Food Eating Habits
  • Gambling Habits
  • Keystone Habits
  • Feeling Sad or Down Habits
  • Cleaning Habits
  • Walking Your Dog Habits
  • Mowing Your Lawn Habits
  • Racking Your Leaves Habits
  • Barbecue Habits
  • Organizing Your Clothes Habits
  • Organizing Your Closet Habits
  • Organizing Your House Habits
  • Organizing Your Workspace Habits
  • Movie Watching Habits

There are no doubt many more habits, but this is the list I’ve accumulated over the years.

The purpose of this article is to open your eyes. As you can see, there are many things you do that are driven by your habits.

My Annual Dream-Goal Routine


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Every year, on January 1st, I perform an annual exercise that has helped me to stay on task with my Dreams and my Goals.

The first thing I do is review my prior year Consolidation Journal. My Consolidation Journal is a binder I maintain and update during the year. Every month I transfer my Current Month Journal Notes, which I carry around with me in a separate smaller binder, into this Consolidation Journal.

During this annual exercise, I take out my highlighter and highlight all of the important events I have listed in my Consolidation Journal. I then take out a sheet of paper and transfer the major events that happened during the year to that sheet of paper, and call it my Annual Summary Page. It usually takes up two sides of one page.

Using the Annual Summary Page to stimulate my thinking, I next create something I call my Dream-Goal List.

On my Dream-Goal List, I list everything I want to happen in the upcoming year. My list usually runs about one side of one page. On average, there are probably twenty items listed on my Dream-Goal List.

I keep this list with me, wherever I go. Typically, I keep three copies: one in my car (to see during my commute to work), one in my basement office (first thing I see every morning at 4:45 am) and one on the wall next to my computer in my business office.

Once I have my Dream-Goal List completed, I then go through each item on the list and put a big “D” or “G” next to the item. “D” stands for Dream and “G” represents a Goal.

Each year, there are about four items on my list that represent Goals.

I’ve found that it is important to separate the Dreams from the Goals.

Dreams are wishes or things that are outside my control, meaning I cannot control their outcome. Selling 1 million books in China, for example, is a dream because, despite my best efforts, I cannot make 1 million people in China buy my books.

Goals are things that I have 100% control over. Writing a Tip of the Morning to Ya post every morning is a goal. I can control that because all it requires is taking action.

By seeing the Dreams as something outside my control, it makes the Goals on my list all that more meaningful. It forces me to recognize that, although I can’t control the outcome of my Dreams, I can control the realization of my Goals, simply by taking action. So, this exercise empowers me to take action on those things I have 100% control over – my Goals.

My thinking, when I review my Dream-Goal List, goes something like this:

I know I can’t control the outcome of my Dreams, but I can control the outcome of my Goals. So, it’s simple really. All I need to do is take action on the things I can control, my Goals, and not worry about what I can’t control – the outcome of my Dreams.

I then take my Annual Summary Page for the year that just ended and compare it to my prior year Dream-Goal List, which I created at the beginning of the year that just ended. I mark off how many Dreams came true and how many Goals I achieved.

This annual accountability exercise drags me down and lifts me up at the same time.

It drags me down because, just about every year, most of the Dreams on my prior year list did not come true and about 25% of the Goals I set in the previous year, I failed to achieve.

But this annual accountability exercise also lifts me up because there are always out of the blue good things that happened, things which were not even on my radar when I initially created my Dream-Goal List. But, I realize now that those things happened because my Dream-Goal List stimulated me to take action and that action produced the out of the blue unexpected good luck.

You can call my annual Dream-Goal routine a motivational tool. You can call it an accountability strategy. I really don’t care what you call it. All I know is it works. It empowers me to take action. And anything that stimulates you to take action, is good. Especially if you are pursuing a dreams and goals in an effort to create the life, dreams are made of.

Overview of My Annual Dream-Goal Routine:

  1. Maintain Current Month Journal Notes
  2. Transfer Monthly Journal Notes to Consolidation Journal Binder
  3. At the End of the Year – Highlight Major Events in Consolidation Journal Binder
  4. Create Annual Summary of Those Major Events On One Page
  5. Compare Annual Summary Page of the Year That Just Ended to the Dream-Goal List I Created At the Beginning of That Prior Year
  6. Identify Which Dreams Came True and Which Goals I Achieved
  7. Create a New Dream-Goal List For the Upcoming Year
  8. Mark “D” for Dreams and “G” for Goals On The Upcoming Year’s Dream-Goal List
  9. Keep My Upcoming Year’s Dream-Goal List With Me Wherever I Go

You don’t need to follow my Dream-Goal Routine to succeed. Everyone is wired differently. What works for me, might not work for you. But, if you are pursing dreams and goals, you will need a process that works for you – one which forces you to take action on your dreams and goals.

Success is a process.

Habits keep that process going.